Acronym | Definition |
UBS | Union Bank of Switzerland |
UBS | United Bible Societies |
UBS | United Blood Services |
UBS | Unclassified but Sensitive |
UBS | Unit Backspace |
UBS | Ultra Bass System |
UBS | Uniroyal Belt System |
UBS | Used Bookstore |
UBS | Utility Billing System (software) |
UBS | Union de Banques Suisses (French: Union of Swiss Banks) |
UBS | Unique Business Systems (various locations) |
UBS | Urban Book Source (resource) |
UBS | United Buying Service |
UBS | University Bookshop (New Zealand) |
UBS | Universal Banking Solution (Oracle) |
UBS | University Business Services |
UBS | Ulaanbaatar Broadcasting System |
UBS | Ultima Battle System (gaming) |
UBS | User Based Solution |
UBS | Universal Business Solutions, LLC (Alpharetta, GA) |
UBS | Universal Building Society (UK) |
UBS | Uninterruptible Battery System |
UBS | UHF Base Station |
UBS | Uganda Bureau of Standards |
UBS | United Black Seminarians (student group) |
UBS | Unbiased Bit String |
UBS | Underwater Battery Supervisor |
UBS | Universal Building Systems, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN) |
UBS | Universal Bomb Suspension |
UBS | User Based Systems (software consulting firm, Castro Valley, CA) |
UBS | Utterback's Business School (Danville, Illinois) |
UBS | Universitair Bibliotheek Systeem |