Acronym | Definition |
UCA | University of Central Arkansas |
UCA | Universidad de Cádiz (Spain) |
UCA | Universidad Católica Argentina |
UCA | Universal Common Ancestry (evolutionary theory) |
UCA | Uniting Church in Australia |
UCA | Universal Cheerleaders Association |
UCA | University for the Creative Arts (UK) |
UCA | Unicode Collation Algorithm |
UCA | Upper Control Arm |
UCA | United Computer Accessories |
UCA | Under Color Addition |
UCA | Unicast Address |
UCA | United Computer Associates |
UCA | University of Central Asia |
UCA | Urban Conservation Area (various locations) |
UCA | University of Central America |
UCA | Undefinitized Contract Action |
UCA | Utility Communications Architecture |
UCA | Undercover Agent |
UCA | Utah Code Annotated |
UCA | Uniform Credit Analysis |
UCA | Union Collective Agreement |
UCA | Ultrasound Contrast Agent (imaging) |
UCA | Uniform Circular Array |
UCA | Undefinitized Contractual Action |
UCA | Unauthorized Computer Access (Japan) |
UCA | Uniform Chart of Accounts |
UCA | United Colonial Army (Killzone) |
UCA | Università degli Studi di Cagliari |
UCA | Utica, NY, USA - Oneida County (Airport Code) |
UCA | Unit Climate Assessment (USAF) |
UCA | Unsupported Credit Approval (UK) |
UCA | Unified Cryptologic Architecture (NSA) |
UCA | Undefinitized Contract Authorization |
UCA | Unternehmer Consult Ag (Munich, Germany) |
UCA | Use Case Analysis |
UCA | Union des Conservateurs d'Aquariums (French: Union of Aquarium Conservators) |
UCA | Unit Career Advisor |
UCA | Uganda Co-Operative Alliance Limited |
UCA | Ultraclean Air |
UCA | University Cheerleaders Association |
UCA | U-matic Cassette Application |
UCA | Uxbridge Conservation Association (Canada) |
UCA | User Computer Address |
UCA | Uniform Cost Accounting |
UCA | University Counselling Association |
UCA | Under Construction Always |
UCA | Unpriced Contract Action (USACE) |
UCA | Upper Close Auxiliary |