Acronym | Definition |
VCD | Video Compact Disc |
VCD | Versatile Compact Disk/Disc |
VCD | Verkehrsclub Deutschland |
VCD | Vibrational Circular Dichroism (spectroscopy) |
VCD | Visual Communication Design (Istanbul Bilgi University) |
VCD | Vascular Closure Device (medical device) |
VCD | Vocal Cord Dysfunction |
VCD | Vacuum Constriction Device (for treatment of erectile dysfunction) |
VCD | Variable Capacitance Diode |
VCD | Vinyl Collectible Doll (merchandise) |
VCD | Virtual Circuit Descriptor (Cisco) |
VCD | Volume Control Damper |
VCD | Value Change Dump |
VCD | Virtual Compact Disc |
VCD | Versatile Compact Disc |
VCD | Virtual Circuit Descriptor |
VCD | Virtual Communications Driver |
VCD | Video Capture Device |
VCD | Viable Cell Density (biology) |
VCD | Vapor-Compression Distillation |
VCD | Vitreous Chamber Depth (myopia) |
VCD | Vector Control Division (various locations) |
VCD | Very Cold Day |
VCD | Video Console Display (surveillance system component) |
VCD | Voice Compressor/Decompressor |
VCD | Visual Component Designer (Microsoft) |
VCD | Vendor Contract Declaration (various locations) |
VCD | Variable Center Distance |
VCD | Vertical Calendar Department (California trial courts) |
VCD | Vicinity Coupling Device |
VCD | Verification of Correction of Deficiencies |
VCD | Vélo Club Dolois (French: Dolois Cycling Club; Dole, France) |
VCD | Virginia Council for the Deaf |
VCD | Variably Connected Desktop |
VCD | Vertical Control Damper |