Acronym | Definition |
TAD | Telephone Answering Device |
TAD | Temporary Assigned Duty (military) |
TAD | Training and Development (various organizations) |
TAD | The American Dream |
TAD | Thinking and Doing |
TAD | Tube Amp Doctor (vacuum tubes) |
TAD | Theatre and Dance (various schools) |
TAD | Transport A La Demande (French: Transportation on Demand; public transportation; France) |
TAD | Trade and Agriculture Directorate (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) |
TAD | The Asian Dynasties (gaming) |
TAD | Temporary Additional Duty (non-unit-related personnel; US DoD) |
TAD | Technical Activities Division |
TAD | Telephony Audio Device |
TAD | Turner Auto Design |
TAD | The Autumn Defense (band) |
TAD | Take A Dump |
TAD | Top Alcohol Dragster (drag racing class) |
TAD | Temporary Additional Duty |
TAD | Time Available for Delivery (US DoD) |
TAD | Total Audience Delivery (television viewership) |
TAD | Technology and Design |
TAD | Transit Accompanying Document (customs) |
TAD | Technical Assistance Division |
TAD | Technical Architecture Document (various organizations) |
TAD | Technical Assistance Document |
TAD | Topological Anomaly Detection (algorithm) |
TAD | Theater Air Defense |
TAD | Tobyhanna Army Depot |
TAD | Tricuspid Annular Displacement |
TAD | Transcription Activation Domain (genetics) |
TAD | Texas Association of the Deaf |
TAD | Tax Appraisal District |
TAD | Turn-Around Document |
TAD | Take As Directed (pharmacology) |
TAD | Transboundary Animal Disease |
TAD | Telephone And Data |
TAD | Towed Artillery Digitization |
TAD | Temporary Active Duty |
TAD | Transatlantic Dialogue |
TAD | Tooele Army Depot (Tooele, Utah) |
TAD | Through Air Dried |
TAD | Toxicity Assessment Division (US EPA) |
TAD | Tactical Air Defense |
TAD | Technical Affairs Department (various locations) |
TAD | Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion |
TAD | Tactical Air Direction |
TAD | Transdermal Alcohol Device |
TAD | Target Audience Description |
TAD | Trade Acceptance Draft (post-dated payment draft given by a buyer to its supplier) |
TAD | The Allied Defense (gaming clan) |
TAD | Technical Art Director (film & video game production) |
TAD | Temperature Accelerated Dynamics |
TAD | Trainee Assistant Director (film industry) |
TAD | Traveling Around Drunk |
TAD | Tennessee Association of the Deaf |
TAD | Textile Air Dispersion (air pressure system) |
TAD | Transitional Assistance Department (San Bernardino County, Human Services Department) |
TAD | Training Aids Division (US Navy) |
TAD | Type Abstrait de Données (French: Abstract Data Type) |
TAD | Tourism Assistance Database (Australia) |
TAD | Taglia Advanced Dentistry (Elmwood Park, IL) |
TAD | Tender Assist Drilling (offshore oil and gas) |
TAD | Trade Acceptance Drafts (Actrade) |
TAD | Test Access Digroup |
TAD | Trent Architecture Design (UK) |
TAD | Tobacco Acquisition Disorder (alt.smokers.pipes) |
TAD | Targeting A Dream, Inc |
TAD | Training Augmentation Device |
TAD | Technology Availability Date |
TAD | Turbo Alternator Drive |
TAD | Tactical Awareness Display (aviation) |
TAD | Transport Aircraft Directorate (US FAA) |
TAD | Technical Assistance and Direction |
TAD | Top Assembly Drawing |
TAD | Target Award Date |
TAD | Technical Assessment Division |
TAD | Transmit Antenna Diversity |
TAD | Temporary Administrative Assignment |
TAD | Technical Assistant to the Director (Army Research Laboratory position) |
TAD | Tower, Approach, and Departure Control Air Traffic Control Facility |
TAD | Technology Area Description |
TAD | Technical Approach Document |
TAD | Tactical Air Directive |
TAD | Type Accreditation Document |
TAD | Target Area Designator |
TAD | Test Access Device |
TAD | Towed Array Dynamics |
TAD | Technical Area Document |
TAD | Total Air Diffuser (HVAC systems) |