TNOTexas & New Orleans (railroad; Texas and Louisiana)
TNONederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen
TNONederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
TNOThéâtre du Nouvel Ontario (Canadian theater)
TNOTrans-Neptunian Object
TNOThe New Order (paramilitary street gang)
TNOTamarindo, Costa Rica (Airport code)
TNOThe Network Observer (monthly online newsletter; 1994-1996)
TNOThe Neopian Orphanage (guild)
TNOTrust No One
TNOThursday Night Out (party group in the Seattle, WA area)
TNOThorncliffe Neighbourhood Office (Toronto, Canada)
TNOTheater Nuclear Option
TNOTexas and New Orleans Railway (circa 1920)
TNOTarget Natural Orbital
TNOTexas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma Coaches, Inc.
TNOTemiscaming and Northern Ontario Railway (old name for Ontario Northland Railway; pre-1945)