Acronym | Definition |
TNT | 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (CAS Number 118-96-7; explosive) |
TNT | Turner Network Television (cable TV station) |
TNT | The News Tribune |
TNT | Team in Training |
TNT | Trinidad and Tobago (West Indies) |
TNT | Tacoma News Tribune |
TNT | Télévision Numérique Terrestre (France) |
TNT | Try Not To |
TNT | Technology and Teaching (various locations) |
TNT | Through the New Testament (religion) |
TNT | Time and Talent (various organizations) |
TNT | Tried and True |
TNT | Thanks, But No Thanks (idiom) |
TNT | The New Threat (band) |
TNT | Treating to New Targets (clinical trial) |
TNT | The New Territory (album) |
TNT | Tell No Tales (band) |
TNT | Tragedy and Triumph (band) |
TNT | Trampoline and Tumbling (gymnastics) |
TNT | Théatre National de Toulouse (French: National Theater of Toulouse) |
TNT | Troponin T |
TNT | Timer No Token |
TNT | Till Next Time |
TNT | Try New Things |
TNT | Trash and Treasure |
TNT | Tell No Tales (music album) |
TNT | Train the Trainer |
TNT | The Neopets Team (virtual pet site) |
TNT | Tessuto Non Tessuto (Italian, syntehtic geomembrane) |
TNT | Tactical Narcotics Team |
TNT | Top Notch Training (various organizations) |
TNT | Thursday Night Training (various locations) |
TNT | Today Not Tomorrow |
TNT | Twin Texel |
TNT | Tuesday Night Titans (TV show) |
TNT | Template Numerical Toolkit (software library) |
TNT | Tago Ng Tago (Filipino for illegal alien who is in hiding) |
TNT | Traducción y Nuevas Tecnologías (Spanish: Translation and New Technologies; software) |
TNT | Thermo Nuclear Technology |
TNT | Thursday Night Thunder (various events) |
TNT | Trusted Network Technologies |
TNT | Terrain Neutre Théatre (French: Neutral Ground Theater) |
TNT | Transnational Terrorism |
TNT | Textile Non-Textile |
TNT | Typographical Number Theory (mathematical theory devised by Douglas Hofstadter) |
TNT | Teaching New Techniques |
TNT | Tradeswomen Now and Tomorrow |
TNT | Text N Talk |
TNT | Tactical Network Topology (US Special Operations Command and Naval Post Graduate School) |
TNT | Transient Nuclear Test |
TNT | Terror 'n Tinseltown (Motley Crue song) |
TNT | Total Nightmare Troops (gaming) |
TNT | Tomorrow's Neighborhoods Today (Syracuse, NY) |
TNT | Trimetallic Nitride Template |
TNT | Technoboy and Tuneboy (band) |
TNT | Texas Nitrous Technology |
TNT | Terror Neged Terror (Terror Against Terror, Jewish terrorist/vigilante group) |
TNT | Totally Naperville Tweens (Naperville, IL) |
TNT | Teach North Texas (University of North Texas) |
TNT | Top Nazarene Talent |
TNT | The Nameless Team (gaming clan) |
TNT | Tactical Neutralization Team |
TNT | Thomas Nationwide Transport, Ltd. (Australia) |
TNT | Telephone Nursing Telezine (emagazine) |
TNT | The N00b Trainers (Day of Defeat gaming clan) |
TNT | Tunnel Neutralization Team |
TNT | Tillamook Narcotics Team |
TNT | Tackle, Nose Guard, Tackle (defensive lineup in American football) |
TNT | Top-Notch Toddlers (Worcester, MA) |
TNT | Trinity Nazarene Teens (Trinity Church of the Nazarene Macon, Georgia) |
TNT | Total Network Test |
TNT | Tactical Network Testbed (US DoD) |
TNT | The Naire Tunnel |
TNT | Tutoring Natrona Teens (Natrona, WY) |
TNT | Tregor Nitro Team (French motor club) |
TNT | Teaching Newspaper Theology |