SPSSStatistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Inc.)
SPSSStatistical Package for the Social Sciences
SPSSSecured Packet Switched Service
SPSSStatistical Product and Service Solutions
SPSSSustainable Product Service System
SPSSSelf-Propelled Semi-Submersible (water craft)
SPSSSociety for Promotion of Space Science
SPSSScience Planning and Scheduling System (Hubble Telescope)
SPSSSt. Paul's Secondary School (Trenton, ON, Canada)
SPSSShort-Pulse Spallation Source
SPSSSignal Processing Sub-System
SPSSSmart Phase-Switched Screen
SPSSSpacecraft Power Sub System
SPSSSurfers Paradise State School (Gold Coast, Australia)
SPSSService Provisioning System Software (Enovaten Networks)
SPSSSolar Panel Sun Sensor