Acronym | Definition |
TWR | Tyne and Wear (UK) |
TWR | Tower |
TWR | Trans World Radio (Monte Carlo) |
TWR | Thrust-to-Weight Ratio (mathematics) |
TWR | Tom Walkinshaw'S Racing |
TWR | Write Recovery Time |
TWR | Tom Walkinshaw Racing |
TWR | Time-Weighted Return (finance) |
TWR | Teller Wildlife Refuge (Montana) |
TWR | Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (university scheduling) |
TWR | The World Remembers (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
TWR | Total Wrestling Revolution |
TWR | The Way Riderz (Christian organization; Sacramento, CA) |
TWR | Tactical Weather Radar |
TWR | The Weblog Review |
TWR | Thomas' Write Rule |
TWR | Terminal Wealth Relative (portfolio mathematics) |
TWR | Trailer Weight Rating |
TWR | Tim Woolley Racing (horseracing) |
TWR | Threat Warning Receiver |
TWR | Tail Warning Radar |
TWR | Technical Work Request |
TWR | That Which Redeems (comic) |
TWR | Torre Di Controllo d'Aerodromo (Italian: Aerodrome Control Tower, Italy) |
TWR | The Wild Rumpus (band) |
TWR | Tower Water Return |
TWR | The Wireless Register (website) |