SVCSwitched Virtual Circuit
SVCService (logging abbreviation)
SVCSpeed-Sensitive Volume Control (vehicles)
SVCSexual Violence Center (Minnesota)
SVCSouthern Vermont College (Bennington, Vermont)
SVCSupervisor(y) Call
SVCSAN Volume Controller (IBM)
SVCSkagit Valley College (Mt Vernon, Washington)
SVCSerious and Violent Crime (various locations)
SVCSuperior Vena Cava
SVCSociety of Vacuum Coaters
SVCShonan Village Center (Japan)
SVCScalable Video Coding
SVCService Message
SVCStanding Veterinary Committee (UN-FAO)
SVCSwavesey Village College (UK)
SVCSoham Village College (Soham, UK)
SVCStatic Var Compensator
SVCSerial Verb Construction (linguistics)
SVCSubject-Verb-Complement (grammar)
SVCSwiss Virtual Campus
SVCService Command
SVCSaturated Vapor Concentration
SVCSingapore Volunteer Corps (est. 1854; militia unit)
SVCSwiss Venture Club (entrepreneurial association)
SVCShell Vacations Club
SVCSiemens Venture Capital
SVCSupervised Visitation Center (various organizations)
SVCSimple Visual Compiler
SVCSelf Validating Code
SVCSymantec Visual Cafe
SVCSupervisor Call
SVCService Call
SVCSan Volume Controller
SVCScientific Visualization Center
SVCSaab Variable Compression
SVCSwitched Virtual Connection
SVCSSL VPN Client (Cisco Systems, Inc)
SVCSpecial Victim Counsel (various US military branches)
SVCSaginaw Valley Chapter (Michigan)
SVCStored Value Card
SVCSwitched Virtual Channel
SVCSt. Vincent College (Pennsylvania)
SVCSilicon Valley Consultants (San Jose, CA)
SVCSpring Viremia of Carp (viral disease)
SVCSlow Vital Capacity (lung function test)
SVCSilicon Valley Campus (Microsoft)
SVCSensorless Vector Control
SVCSNK Vs Capcom Chaos (video game)
SVCSmall Comercial Vehicle
SVCSchool of Visual Concepts (Seattle, WA)
SVCSingle Voice Coil
SVCSwitched Virtual Call
SVCSilicon Valley Compucycle (San Jose, CA)
SVCSaint Vincent's College (Philippines)
SVCSpecial Verification Commission
SVCSalvadorian Colón (ISO currency code)
SVCScientific Visualization Center (US Environmental Protection Agency)
SVCSociedad Venezolana de Cardiología (Venezuelan Society of Cardiology)
SVCSaginaw Valley College (Michigan)
SVCSoftbank Venture Capital (Japan)
SVCShaped Virtual Clock
SVCSecure Voice Communication(s)
SVCSoft Virtual Circuit
SVCSeniors Versus Crime (Florida)
SVCSatellite Vulnerability Report
SVCSampled Value Control
SVCSprint Video Conferencing
SVCSafety Verification Condition(s)
SVCSmallwood Village Council (Waldorf, Maryland)
SVCSelective Vertical Conveyor
SVCSilicon Valley Communications, Inc (Santa Clara, CA)
SVCSouth Visitors Center
SVCSection Vice-Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
SVCSmart Virtual Circuit
SVCSoft Value Calculation
SVCSpace Vehicle Code
SVCSwitch Valued Circuit
SVCSine Vibration Control
SVCSupervisor Vehicle Class
SVCSingle Variable Control
SVCState Veterinary Control (Bulgaria)
SVCSpeed Volume Compensation (adjustment of the audio volume according to the vehicle speed)
SVCSafecount Viewpoint Community (advertisement research group)
SVCSyndrome de Varicelle Congénitale (French: Congenital Varicella Syndrome)