Acronym | Definition |
TBE | Tris Borate Edta (chemistry) |
TBE | Tick-Borne Encephalitis |
TBE | Text Based Evidence |
TBE | Très Bon État (French: very good condition) |
TBE | Transient Buffer Exposure |
TBE | Time Based Escalation |
TBE | Timing Belt End |
TBE | Twin Butte Energy (Canada) |
TBE | Taleo Business Edition (various locations) |
TBE | The Best Ever |
TBE | The Bleeding Edge (gaming clan) |
TBE | To Be Expected |
TBE | Teledyne Brown Engineering (an Allegheny Teledyne Company) |
TBE | Toronto Board of Education (Canada) |
TBE | Transitional Bilingual Education |
TBE | To Be Evaluated |
TBE | The Butterfly Effect |
TBE | Theory-Based Evaluation |
TBE | Tris-Borate-Edta Buffer |
TBE | Tabbrowser Extensions (Mozilla Firefox extension) |
TBE | Tenancy by the Entirety |
TBE | The Black Eagles (gaming clan) |
TBE | The Best Excuses |
TBE | To Be Edited |
TBE | Temple Beth Emeth (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) |
TBE | Technical Building Equipment |
TBE | Turbo-Back Exhaust |
TBE | True Boxing Expert |
TBE | Text before Edge (computing) |
TBE | Temple Beth Elohim (North, Brewster, NY) |
TBE | Threaded Both Ends |
TBE | Tehran Boston Engineers (Iranian consulting firm) |
TBE | Tabbed Browser Extension |
TBE | Time Base Error |
TBE | Terabit Ethernet |
TBE | True Bio Electric (Philippines) |
TBE | T-box factor-Binding Element |
TBE | Technical Bid Evaluation |
TBE | Toilet Bowl Effect (RC helicopters) |
TBE | The Bicycle Escape (Frederick, MD) |
TBE | The Benchmark Exchange |
TBE | Task Breakdown Element |
TBE | Total Budget Estimate |
TBE | Telecommunications & Broadcast Equipment |
TBE | Trade Bill of Exchange |