TBITraumatic Brain Injury
TBITennessee Bureau of Investigation
TBITotal Body Irradiation
TBITableau Blanc Interactif (French: Interactive Whiteboard; France)
TBITick-Borne Illness
TBIThrottle Body Injection
TBITelevision Business International (various locations)
TBITo Be Implemented
TBITo Be Inserted
TBITemple Beth Israel
TBITrade Bank of Iraq
TBITelebermuda International
TBITime Between Intervention (engineering)
TBITo Be Ignored
TBITissue Banks International (international network of eye and tissue banks)
TBITen Bit Interface
TBIThe British Institute
TBITrans-Border Institute (University of San Diego)
TBIThe Biotechnology Initiative (now Life Sciences Ontario; Ontario, Canada)
TBITrucker Buddy International (Tuscaloosa, AL)
TBIThe Baseball Index (est. 1900; resource)
TBIThe Biomimicry Institute (Missoula, MT)
TBITechnology Builders, Inc.
TBIThe Bethlehem Institute (Minneapolis, MN)
TBITotal Business Integration
TBITouraine Berry Immobilier (French: Touraine Berry Real Estate; France)
TBITexas Bible Institute (Columbus, Texas)
TBIThrough Bulkhead Initiator
TBITo Be Inactivated
TBIThomson Business Information
TBITurbo Benzina Injection (Italian: Gasoline Turbo Injection; Alfa Roméo; Italy)
TBITarget Bearing Indicator
TBITest Bench Installation
TBITooth Brushing Instructions
TBITest Buffer Index
TBIThrottle Body Injection/Injected (engine)
TBITechnology Business Integration
TBIThreaded Blind Insert
TBITimebase Interactive
TBITriple Beam Illumination
TBITime Based Image
TBITest Bearing Indicator
TBITruth by Intimidation