TFTo Follow
TFTierra del Fuego (Argentina province)
TFTo Fill
TFTranscription Factor
TFTask Force
TFToll Free
TFToo Far (chat slang)
TFFrench Southern Territories (ISO country code, top level domain)
TFTeam Fortress (Quake 1)
TFTransformers (toy)
TFThin Film
TFTax Free (finance)
TFTelford (postcode, United Kingdom)
TFTime of Flight
TFTransfer Function (mathematics)
TFThe Fog (movie)
TFTissue Factor (blood coagulation)
TFTwisted Fate
TFTransfer Factor
TFTrack & Field
TFTreatment Facility (various organizations)
TFTime-Frequency (physics)
TFTime Flies
TFTime Required to Fix
TFTom Felton (Draco Malfoy actor)
TFTop Fuel (drag racing)
TFTrade Finance (commerce)
TFTotal Failure
TFTrade Facilitation (various organizations)
TFTactical Fighter
TFTotal Field
TFTop Front
TFTerra Firma
TFTerritorial Force
TFTobacco Free
TFTimber-Framed (structures)
TFTransport Format
TFTank Farm
TFTable Football
TFTraditional Foods
TFTill Forbid (newspaper advertising)
TFTeaching Fellow (various universities)
TFTechnical Foul (basketball)
TFTransmission Fluid (automotive)
TFTransflash Memory Card (mobile device)
TFThomson Financial
TFToenail Fungus
TFTerrain Following
TFTooth Fairy
TFThunder Force (gaming)
TFTotal Film
TFTraining Film
TFTrade Federation (Star Wars Episode I)
TFTrotteur Francais (France)
TFTrue Friends
TFTax Foundation
TFTell Friends
TFTeam Fear
TFThomsen-Friedenreich (antigen)
TFTight Frame
TFTechFest (computing website)
TFTrap Flag
TFToo Funny
TFTrigger Finger (stenosing tendovaginitis)
TFTeknologföreningen (Finnish student nation)
TFTuition Fee
TFTrack Foot
TFTarget Finish
TFTamriel Foundry (roleplaying gaming forum)
TFTransfer Frame
TFToad's Factory
TFTwo Fluid
TFTest Faulty
TFTrade Focus
TFTransaction Format
TFTapered Female (pipe fittings)
TFTotal Forfeiture
TFTactical Fusion
TFTesticular Feminization (reproductive pathology)
TFTrace Flag
TFTransmission Factor (radiation exposure)
TFTemperature At Fail
TFTransit Facility
TFTranche Ferme (Marchés Publics)
TFTerminal File
TFTransient Fault
TFTerminal Forecast
TFType of Funds (USACE)
TFThomas-Fermi Approximation
TFThermal Fine
TFTerminal Flatulance
TFTeam Foodland (airsoft)
TFTill Forbidden
TFTransverse Frame (ship component)
TFTaraqee Foundation (Pakistan)
TFTempered Fury (Everquest Guild)
TFTemporum Felicitas (Latin: Happines of the Times, epigraphy)
TFTallulah Falls Railway Company
TFTerra Fracta (gaming clan)
TFTrace Filtering
TFTest/Training Facility
TFTeam Funnel (skydiving)
TFTired Fanny
TFTrack Fragmentation
TFTraction Fuse
TFTwisted Flex
TFTube Feeder/Feeding (medical; patient with a gastrostomy tube in place)