Acronym | Definition |
TFB | The Front Bottoms (band) |
TFB | Task Force Black |
TFB | Terror from Beyond |
TFB | Texas Farm Bureau |
TFB | Toys for Bob (Novato, CA) |
TFB | Team Flight Brothers (basketball entertainment show) |
TFB | Thin Film Battery |
TFB | Total Fire Ban (Australia) |
TFB | Turn-Face-Bore (Hardinge Lathe) |
TFB | To Floor Below (plumbing) |
TFB | Taxable Fringe Benefit |
TFB | Taipei Fubon Bank (Taipei, Taiwan) |
TFB | Time for Bed |
TFB | Team Fuji Bikes (racing team) |
TFB | Tactile Feedback |
TFB | Two for Breakfast (hospitality industry) |
TFB | Trust Fund Brat |
TFB | Tethered Float Breakwater |
TFB | Too Freakin' Bad (polite form) |
TFB | Time Frequency Bus |
TFB | Total Force Branch |
TFB | Technology for Business Corp. (Manhattan Beach, CA; est. 1989) |