Acronym | Definition |
TFD | Time Frequency Domain |
TFD | True Flat Display |
TFD | Tales from the Darkside |
TFD | The Financial Diet (blog) |
TFD | Thin Film Diode |
TFD | Transcription Factor Decoy (pharmacotherapy) |
TFD | Technology for Development |
TFD | Tokyo Fire Department (Japan) |
TFD | The Flying Dutchman |
TFD | Task Force Dagger (gaming) |
TFD | Tucson Fire Department |
TFD | The Forests Dialogue |
TFD | Transformée de Fourier Discrète (French: Discrete Fourier Transform; mathematics) |
TFD | Tourism for Development (France) |
TFD | The Flying Dragons |
TFD | Thin Film Deposition |
TFD | (reference website) |
TFD | Templates for Deletion (Wikipedia) |
TFD | Thai Factory Development (industrial real estate company) |
TFD | The First Drop |
TFD | Termination for Default |
TFD | Theater for Development |
TFD | Toothpaste for Dinner (webcomic) |
TFD | Total Focal Deviation |
TFD | Thomas-Fermi-Dirac |
TFD | Tools for Decision (defense industry; California) |
TFD | Transamerica Finance Corp. (stock symbol; formerly the symbol for Thrifty Drug Stores) |
TFD | The Foreign Division (gaming clan) |
TFD | Temporary Flexible Downpipe (building construction) |
TFD | Test for Design |
TFD | Tumor-Free Distance |
TFD | Transmit Frame Descriptor (data structure) |
TFD | Tactical Fire Direction |
TFD | Total Force Development |
TFD | Timing Failure Detection |
TFD | Terrestrial Field Dissipation |
TFD | Theater for the Deaf |
TFD | Transit-Focused Development |
TFD | Test Flow Diagram |
TFD | The Fang Dynasty (gaming) |
TFD | Tactical Fusion Division |
TFD | Technological Fairy Dust (Internet slang) |
TFD | Türk Farmakoloji Derneði (Turkish Pharmacological Society) |
TFD | Television Feasibility Demonstration |
TFD | Terrain Following Display |
TFD | Tuning Fork Density (fluid density measurement; Scientific Drilling International) |
TFD | Tube Failure Display |
TFD | Total Frequency Deviation |
TFD | Time-Frequency Digitizer |
TFD | Takk for Den (Norwegian) |
TFD | Total Frequency Distortion |
TFD | Tube Flood and Drain |
TFD | Test Fixture Diagram |
TFD | Tactical Fighter Direction |
TFD | Trainer Functional Description |
TFD | Thin-Film Distillation |