Acronym | Definition |
TTB | Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (US Department of the Treasury) |
TTB | Tedeschi Trucks Band |
TTB | Test Tube Baby |
TTB | Tanzania Tourist Board |
TTB | Telegraph and Telephone Board |
TTB | Traduction Table |
TTB | Trigger Test Board |
TTB | Teletext Browser |
TTB | Thru the Bible |
TTB | Tibet Tourism Bureau (China) |
TTB | Teaching the Bible (course) |
TTB | Telegraphic Transfer Buying (currency exchange rate) |
TTB | Twin Traction Beam (Ford automobile suspension) |
TTB | That's Too Bad |
TTB | Transportation Terminal Battalion (US DoD) |
TTB | Through Truss Bridge (engineering) |
TTB | Tokyo Tomin Bank (Japan) |
TTB | Trans-Tokyo Bay (road; Japan) |
TTB | Through-The-Book |
TTB | Tenor I, Tenor II and Baritone/Bass (choral music) |
TTB | Transform the Business |
TTB | Transportation Terminal Brigade |
TTB | Toyota Tsusho do Brasil (Brazilian car company) |
TTB | Türk Tabipleri Birliði (Turkish) |
TTB | Tread the Boards (theater group; UK) |
TTB | Tanker-Transport-Bomber |
TTB | Telephone Terminal Board |
TTB | Techno-Talking Babe |
TTB | The Tanooki Board (forum) |
TTB | Thermal Test Bed |
TTB | Time-Tagged Buffer |
TTB | Tactical Training Bundle |
TTB | Tactical Transition Broker |
TTB | Transport de Troupe Blindé (French: Armoured Troup Carrier) |
TTB | Tartar Technical Bulletin |
TTB | Tomahawk Technical Bulletin |
TTB | Tanunda Town Band |
TTB | Tennis de Table de Biron (French: Biron Table Tennis; Biron, France) |