Acronym | Definition |
THW | Tiny House on Wheels |
THW | Technisches Hilfswerk (German government disaster relief organization) |
THW | Tile Hill Wood (UK) |
THW | Theft Waiver |
THW | The Horse Whisperer |
THW | Tower Hamlets Wheelers (cycling; UK) |
THW | Temperature Humidity Wind (heat index calculation) |
THW | This House Would (debating) |
THW | Turnverein Hassee-Winterbek (Kiel, Germany handball team) |
THW | Two Hour Wargames (game manufacturer) |
THW | Transient Hot Wire (thermal conductivity measurements) |
THW | The Hive Workshop (Warcraft III modding site) |
THW | Thermoplastic Heat and Water Resistant Insulated Wire (UL) |
THW | Tar Heel Wire (independent University of North Carolina news) |
THW | Temperate Hardwood |