Acronym | Definition |
TAE | The Academy of Experts (London, UK) |
TAE | Training and Education (various organizations) |
TAE | The American Enterprise (American Enterprise Institute publication) |
TAE | The Art Experience (Pontiac, MI) |
TAE | Tasa Anual Equivalente (Spanish: Equivalent Annual Interest Rate) |
TAE | Trial and Error |
TAE | Technical and Adult Education |
TAE | Taligent Application Environment |
TAE | Trans-Asia-Europe |
TAE | Thielert Aircraft Engines (Germany) |
TAE | Teacher's Annotated Edition (textbooks) |
TAE | Thomas Alva Edison |
TAE | Telekommunikations Anschluss Einheit (German: telecommunication connection unit) |
TAE | Taegu, South Korea (Airport Code) |
TAE | The Automatic Earth (blog) |
TAE | Thinking At the Edge (Gendlin philosophy) |
TAE | Time Alignment Error |
TAE | The Attic Ends (band) |
TAE | Tris-Acetate EDTA buffer |
TAE | Technical Assistance Exchange |
TAE | Text Ad Exchange (Internet marketing) |
TAE | Trans-Arterial Embolization |
TAE | The Apathy Eulogy (band) |
TAE | Tactical Espionage Action (gaming) |
TAE | Transportable Applications Executive |
TAE | Technical Area Expert (US Marine Corps) |
TAE | The Avalanche Effect (band) |
TAE | Total Absolute Error |
TAE | The Animal Enclosure (web forum) |
TAE | Total Asymptotic Efficiency |
TAE | Transportation Acquisition Executive |
TAE | Military Sealift Command Ammunition Ship |
TAE | Trucs et Astuces Express (French: Express Tips and Tricks; blog) |
TAE | Tax Assistant Examination (India) |
TAE | Trainee Account Executive (various organizations) |