TAGTechniques d'Avant-Garde (TAG Heuer)
TAGTechnology Association of Georgia
TAGTouch and Go (competitive go-karting)
TAGTechnical Advisory Group
TAGText and Graphics
TAGTalented And Gifted (school program)
TAGTagalog (Filipino language)
TAGTransfer Admission Guarantee (guarantee granted to students coming from community colleges into universities)
TAGThe Arcade Game
TAGTechnical Architecture Group (W3C)
TAGThe Adventure Game (paintball)
TAGThe Advocacy Group (various locations)
TAGThe Adjutant General
TAGThe Aviation Group
TAGTeaching and Academic Growth
TAGTreatment Action Group (New York, NY)
TAGTheoretical and Applied Genetics
TAGTree Adjoining Grammar
TAGTheatre Art Galleries (High Point, NC)
TAGTalal Abu-Ghazaleh (Jordan business law firm)
TAGTechnical Assistance Grant
TAGTatham Art Gallery (South Africa)
TAGTechnical Architecture Group
TAGTechnical Assessment Group
TAGToh Atin Gallery (Durango, CO)
TAGTattersall Advisory Group (investments; Richmond, VA)
TAGTransport Analysis Guidance (UK)
TAGTransaction Account Guarantee
TAGThe Aftermarket Group (medical equipment)
TAGTransaction Auditing Group (various locations)
TAGThe Accelerator Group (various locations)
TAGTight Aggressive (Poker)
TAGTransient Axonal Glycoprotein (neurobiology)
TAGTarrant Apparel Group (est. 1985)
TAGTechnology Advancement Group
TAGTiny Aggregation Service (ad-hoc networks)
TAGTeaterhuset Avant Garden (Norwegian: Avant Garden Theatre)
TAGTested and Guaranteed
TAGTechnical Assistance Group
TAGThe Accident Group (insurance)
TAGTexans for Accountable Government (political action committee)
TAGThe Analytical Group (Scottsdale, AZ)
TAGThe Assassination Game
TAGThe Animation Guild
TAGTaxon Advisory Group
TAGTechnical Assessment Group (US DoD)
TAGTrans-Austria Gasleitung (Trans-Austria Pipeline)
TAGThe Aquatic Gardener (journal)
TAGThe Association for the Gifted (Council for Exceptional Children)
TAGTechnology Assessment Group
TAGTactical Assault Group
TAGTitle Author Genre (literature)
TAGTampa Adventure Group (Tampa, FL)
TAGTechnology Assurance Group (California)
TAGTransport Air Group (US Navy)
TAGTraining Advisory Group
TAGTravel Alternatives Group
TAGTrastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada (Spanish, personality disorder)
TAGTechnologies for Aging Gracefully (Canada)
TAGTechnical Air-to-Ground (US NASA)
TAGTurbine a Gaz (French: Gas Turbine)
TAGTraining Aids Guide (US Navy)
TAGTacoma Actors Guild (Tacoma, WA)
TAGTrans-Atlantic Geotraverse
TAGTree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (linguistics workshop)
TAGTask Action Grammar
TAGTactical Airlift Group
TAGTag Attribute Language
TAGTranscendental Argument for the Existence of God
TAGTechnology & Architecture Group (various organizations)
TAGTraining Acceleration Grant (Indiana)
TAGTransition Advisory Group
TAGTransports de l'Agglomération Grenobloise (French: Grenoble Transportation Community; France)
TAGTechnology Applications Group
TAGTechnology Advocacy Group
TAGTidewater Atheists Group (Virginia)
TAGThe Amsterdam Group (Brussels, Belgium)
TAGTelegraphist Air Gunner
TAGTomahawk Land-Attack Missile Aimpoint Graphic (US DoD)
TAGTechnical Applications Group
TAGTransportes Aereos Guatemaltecos (Guatemala)
TAGThalassemia Action Group
TAGTailored Air Group (UK Royal Navy)
TAGTroubles Anxieux Généralisés (French: Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
TAGTechnical Advisory Group for Biological Control Agents of Weeds
TAGThreat Advisory Group (various organizations)
TAGTasmanian Association for the Gifted
TAGTransportation Acronym Guide
TAGTagbilaran, Philippines - Tagbilaran (Airport Code)
TAGTechnology Analysis Group
TAGTEMPEST Advisory Group
TAGTrinidad to Aruba to Guantanamo (routing designation; US Navy)
TAGTwo-Axis Gimbal
TAGTimneh African Gray (bird species)
TAGToshiba Agency (Japan)
TAGTrailing Average Gross
TAGTallahassee Area Geocachers (Florida, USA)
TAGTaxpayer Action Group
TAGTarget Acquisition and Guidance (gaming)
TAGTest Advisory Group
TAGTotal Assault Gaming (gaming league)
TAGTrust Advisory Group
TAGTarget Adaptive Guidance
TAGThe Amicus Group
TAGTell-And-Go protocol (switching technique)
TAGTechnical Association of Georgia
TAGTactical Ada Guidance
TAGTest Automation Group
TAGTemporal Annotation Generator
TAGTest Aerosol Generator
TAGTenant Activities Group (Pentagon Renovation Project)
TAGTrue Armageddon Galactica (Star Kingdoms alliance)
TAGTowed Array Group
TAGTask Assignment Guide
TAGTarget Aimpoint Graphic
TAGTest Analysis Group
TAGTelemetry-Archive Gateway
TAGTroop Action Guidance
TAGTWG Administration Group
TAGTrusted Agent Group
TAGTennessee, Alabama, and Georgia Railway Company
TAGTechnical AdHoc Group
TAGTrans Arabian Group (racing)
TAGTurn, Answer, Give (learning)
TAGTheater Air Group
TAGTropical Architecture Group