UCEUnsolicited Commercial E-Mail
UCEUbiquitous Computing in Education
UCEUniversities of Cooperative Education
UCEUndercover Employee (US FBI)
UCEUniversidad Central del Este (Dominican Republic)
UCEUniversity of Central England (Birmingham, UK)
UCEUnitarian Church of Evanston (Evanston, IL)
UCEUniversity Continuing Education (various schools)
UCEUnit Construction Engine (Royal Enfield Motorcycles)
UCEUniversity College of Engineering (Burla, Orissa, India)
UCEUpdate Connection Enterprise (software)
UCEUnité de Contrôle Electronique (automotive specifications)
UCEUniversité Coopérative Européenne (French: European University Cooperative; France)
UCEUniversal Computing Environment
UCEUniversity Consortium on the Environment
UCEUniversal Chastity Education (Pueblo, CO)
UCEUnforeseen Circumstances Excepted (shipping)
UCEUsage-Centered Engineering
UCEUnique Client Experience
UCEUganda Certificate of Education Exam