Acronym | Definition |
SVE | Soil Vapor Extraction |
SVE | Servizio Volontario Europeo (Italian: European Voluntary Service) |
SVE | Service Volontaire Européen (French: European Voluntary Service) |
SVE | Société de Véhicules Electriques (French: Society of Electric Vehicles) |
SVE | Sunland Village East (Arizona) |
SVE | Supervisor Engine Module |
SVE | Storage Virtualization Engine |
SVE | Special Vehicle Engineering |
SVE | Spring Valley Elementary (various locations) |
SVE | Sioux Valley Energy (Colman, SD) |
SVE | Simple Virtual Environment |
SVE | Sciences de La Vie et de l'Environnement (French: Life and Environment Sciences) |
SVE | Sterile Vaginal Exam |
SVE | Sealed Virtual Envelope (telecommunications) |
SVE | Shareholder Value Enhancement |
SVE | Stichting Vlaams Erfgoed (Dutch: Flemish Heritage Foundation; Belgium) |
SVE | Society for Veterinary Ethology (now International Society for Applied Ethology) |
SVE | Société pour La Valorisation de l'Eau (French: Society for Water Efficiency) |
SVE | Secure Voice Equipment |
SVE | Special Vehicles Engineering |
SVE | Supraventricular Extrasystole |
SVE | Seattle Vaginal Exuberance (Counter-Strike clan) |
SVE | Specialized Varying Exceptionalities (school program for students with cognitive disabiliites) |
SVE | Sprint Values Excellence |
SVE | Survivability, Vulnerability, Endurability |
SVE | Society of Value Engineers |
SVE | Swept Volume Efficiency |
SVE | System Vulnerability & Effectiveness |
SVE | Specialized Visceral Efferents |