SVGScalable Vector Graphics (W3C)
SVGSports Video Group (New York, NY)
SVGSaint Vincent and the Grenadines (Caribbean Country)
SVGSharp Vector Graphics
SVGSelect Voice Gain
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
SVGSave File for Glossary
SVGSaphenous Vein Graft (bypass graft using saphenous vein)
SVGStatic VAR (Volt-Ampere Reactive) Generator
SVGStrategic Vision Group (various organizations)
SVGSilicon Valley Group, Inc.
SVGSchweizerische Vakuumgesellschaft
SVGSoftware Vulnerability Guide
SVGSegmentally Variable Gene
SVGStavanger Lufthavn - Sola, Norway - Sola (Airport Code)
SVGSydvaranger Gruve (Norwegian: Sydvaranger Mine)
SVGStructureel Verankerd Glaswerk (Dutch: Anchored Structural Glass)