SVLSwaraj Vehicles Limited
SVLSnout-Vent Length (biology)
SVLService Level
SVLSheath Voltage Limiter (surge arrester)
SVLSevere Vision Loss
SVLSaginaw Valley League (High School Conference, Michigan)
SVLShared VLAN Learning
SVLSavonlinna, Finland - Savonlinna (Airport Code)
SVLSilk's Vintage Lingerie & Photography (Fredericksburg, VA)
SVLSchwab, Vollhaber, Lubratt, Inc. (Minnesota)
SVLSchwimmverein Limmat (Zurich, Switzerland)
SVLSyndicat du Val de Loire (French: Union of the Loire Valley; France)
SVLSpanish Vice Lords (gang)
SVLSerres du Val de Loire (French gardening company)
SVLStore Value Locality
SVLStrobovideolaryngoscopy (speech therapy)
SVLSouth of England Veteran’s League
SVLSapphire Vacuum Lens
SVLSociété Verot Larue (French mechanics company)
SVLSchaak Vereniging Leudal (Haelen, Netherlands)
SVLSpécification et Validation du Logiciel (French: Specification and Validation of Software)
SVLScierie du Val de Loire (French: Sawmill of the Loire Valley; France)
SVLSocietà Veneta Lagunare (Venetian Lagoon Company, Italy)