Acronym | Definition |
TBP | To Be Provided/Published |
TBP | The Pirate Bay (bittorrent tracker) |
TBP | The Book Partnership (UK) |
TBP | TATA-Box-Binding Protein |
TBP | Tau Beta Pi (National Engineers Honors Society) |
TBP | The Big Pink (band) |
TBP | Transaction Backout Program |
TBP | Toyota Bank Polska (Poland) |
TBP | The Babylon Project |
TBP | The Black Parade |
TBP | Toyota Business Practice (vehicles) |
TBP | To Be Produced |
TBP | The Burning Process |
TBP | To Be Printed |
TBP | Tributylphosphate |
TBP | Target Benefit Plan (pensions) |
TBP | Telephone Bill Payment |
TBP | True Boiling Point |
TBP | Transferrin Binding Protein |
TBP | Tertiarybutylphosphine |
TBP | To Be Proposed |
TBP | To Be Precise |
TBP | Tampa Bay Partnership (Tampa, FL) |
TBP | Technical Background Paper (various organizations) |
TBP | Tumbes, Peru - Tumbes (Airport Code) |
TBP | Tuberculose Pulmonaire (French: Pulmonary Tuberculosis) |
TBP | Teddy Bear's Picnic (song) |
TBP | Thyroxine-Binding Protein |
TBP | Talking Book Productions (New York, NY) |
TBP | Total Body Pain |
TBP | Total Base Percentage (baseball statistic; no longer used) |
TBP | Time Broadcast Pulse |
TBP | Tetra-Butyl Phosphene |
TBP | Tawas Bay Players (Tawas City, MI) |
TBP | Tribattery Pops (New York) |
TBP | Triangulation-Based Positioning |
TBP | Turkiye Birlik Partisi |
TBP | Total Bollard Pull (boating) |
TBP | Three Bays Preservation, Inc. (Osterville, MA) |