Acronym | Definition |
TBS | Tablespoon |
TBS | Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc. |
TBS | Turner Broadcasting System (Time Warner, Inc.) |
TBS | The Banana Splits (TV show) |
TBS | Taking Back Sunday (band) |
TBS | Treasury Board Secretariat (Canada) |
TBS | Tris-Buffered Saline |
TBS | Team Black Sheep (est. 2010) |
TBS | Turn Based Strategy (games) |
TBS | Tris Buffered Saline |
TBS | The Basic School (US Marine Corps officer training) |
TBS | True Brown Style (gang) |
TBS | Toshiba Business Solutions (Toshiba Corporation) |
TBS | Tau Beta Sigma (college band sorority) |
TBS | The Buried Sea (gaming; EverQuest) |
TBS | The Best Solution |
TBS | to Be Sure |
TBS | Transmit Buffer Status |
TBS | Turner Broadcasting System |
TBS | Turn Based Strategy |
TBS | Tetra Base Station |
TBS | To Be Selected |
TBS | To Be Supplied |
TBS | Temple Beth Sholom |
TBS | To Be Specified |
TBS | Transnational Broadcasting Studies |
TBS | To Be Stopped (website) |
TBS | The British School |
TBS | Tanzania Bureau of Standards |
TBS | To Be Scheduled |
TBS | The Bethesda System |
TBS | Teh Botol Sosro (Indonesian drink) |
TBS | Theta Burst Stimulation |
TBS | The Beautiful South (band) |
TBS | Trembling Blue Stars (band) |
TBS | Treasury Board Submission (Canadian) |
TBS | Triangle Biomedical Sciences |
TBS | Throttle Body Spacer (automotive) |
TBS | Total Business Solutions |
TBS | Townes-Brocks Syndrome |
TBS | Technology-Based Service |
TBS | Time Based Security |
TBS | Teachers Building Society (mutual finance organization; UK) |
TBS | Toronto Baptist Seminary |
TBS | The Book Service Ltd (UK) |
TBS | Toronto Blues Society |
TBS | Talk Between Ships |
TBS | To Be Stated (aviation) |
TBS | Tiputini Biodiversity Station |
TBS | Taiwan Broadcasting System (public broadcasting) |
TBS | Texas Bariatric Specialists (weight loss) |
TBS | The Blue Skittle (games publication) |
TBS | The Bouncing Souls (band) |
TBS | Talking Bathroom Scale (various companies) |
TBS | Ter Beschikking Stelling (Dutch) |
TBS | Temple Baptist Seminary (Tennessee) |
TBS | Technology Based Solutions |
TBS | Tax and Business Services Inc |
TBS | Turn Back South |
TBS | True Buddha School |
TBS | Technical Building Services, Inc. (Ballston Spa, NY) |
TBS | Town Board Station (Iran) |
TBS | Therapeutic Boarding School |
TBS | Tiny But Strong (PHP template engine) |
TBS | Touched by Sound |
TBS | Telecom Business Solution (Metasolv) |
TBS | Talking Book Services |
TBS | Tbilisi, Georgia - Novo Alexeyevka (Airport Code) |
TBS | Total Beverage Solution |
TBS | Therapeutic Behavioral Service (mental health) |
TBS | Tampa Bay Skeptics |
TBS | Tanaka Business School (Imperial College; UK) |
TBS | Tantramarsh Blues Society |
TBS | Teesside Business School (UK) |
TBS | Tonbandstimmen (German term related to Europäische Volkspartei) |
TBS | Tremco Barrier Solutions |
TBS | Torrey Botanical Society (Kansas) |
TBS | Tag's Broadcasting Services |
TBS | Texas Barcode Systems |
TBS | Tokyo Bible Seminary (Tokyo, Japan) |
TBS | Texas Bighorn Society |
TBS | Total Blue Sports |
TBS | Trondhjem Biological Station |
TBS | Tokyo Big Sight, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) |
TBS | Tecnologie Biomediche e Sanitarie (Italy: Health Telematics Laboratory, University ofTrieste) |
TBS | Technische Betriebe Suhr (German) |
TBS | Time Book Systems (Germany) |
TBS | Tool Box Solution |
TBS | Tech Bitch Syndrome (humor) |
TBS | Touchless Biometric Systems |
TBS | Tangible Business Software |
TBS | True Blue Software (New Zealand) |
TBS | Tremble before Sheldon |
TBS | Temple Beth Solomon (of the Deaf; California) |
TBS | Tenet Banner System |
TBS | Texas Bluebird Society |
TBS | Toronto Bonsai Society |
TBS | The Best Shooters (gaming forum) |
TBS | Telephone Billing System (telecommunications) |
TBS | Towcester Building Supplies (UK) |
TBS | Technical Business Solutions |
TBS | Therapeutic Behavioral Specialist |
TBS | Technical Briefing Seminar (World Health Organization) |
TBS | Taiga Biological Station (Manitoba, Canada) |
TBS | Triton BioSystems Inc |
TBS | The Blackout Syndrome |
TBS | Telecom Billing System |
TBS | The Bishops School |
TBS | Thick Blood Smear |
TBS | Tokyo Band Summit |
TBS | Transitional Bundled Service |
TBS | Terabit Burst Switching |
TBS | The Brazilian Society |
TBS | Throttle Body Service |
TBS | Team Building Session |
TBS | Terminal Business System |
TBS | Tampa Bay Symphony (Clearwater, FL) |
TBS | Telecom Bus Serializer |
TBS | Technical Beamline Support |
TBS | Turkish Biochemical Society |
TBS | Teaf Business Society |
TBS | Time-Begin-Silence |
TBS | Telephone Banking System |
TBS | Tracker Bias Supply |
TBS | Tunra Bulk Solids |
TBS | Total Billing System (Sprint) |
TBS | Three Bridges School (New Jersey) |
TBS | Tidy Business Standards (award scheme; UK) |
TBS | Tank Bottom Sludge |
TBS | Total Banking Solutions |
TBS | Triangle Biophysics Symposium |
TBS | Teacher's Book Shelf |
TBS | Toxic Broadcast System |
TBS | Tawas Bay Singers |
TBS | Twin Bin Scheme (UK) |
TBS | Tokyo Bay Service (Japan) |
TBS | Triggerable Behavior Set |
TBS | The Brain Store |
TBS | Transmit Silence Bit |
TBS | Transport Beton Service (Germany) |
TBS | Townsend Building Services (Australia) |
TBS | Traditional Bundled Service |
TBS | Telecommunications Business Simulation (workshop) |
TBS | Travel and Business Service |
TBS | Total Business Services, Inc. |
TBS | Tractor Brake Slack |
TBS | Transparent Burst Switching |
TBS | Traceless Biometric System |
TBS | The Boston School GmbH (Zurich, Switzerland) |