TBTThrowback Thursday
TBTTampa Bay Times (Tampa Bay, FL)
TBTTechnical Barriers to Trade
TBTToday's Big Thing
TBTTurn Back Time
TBTTrampled by Turtles (band)
TBTThe Butterfly Tattoo (film)
TBTTom Brown Tracker (wilderness; Manahawkin, NJ)
TBTTravel by Train (Europe)
TBTTemple Beth Torah (various locations)
TBTTriple Base Technology (snowboards)
TBTthe Big Three
TBTTotal Body Trainer (exercise equipment)
TBTTo Be Tested
TBTTow Bowl Tactics (game)
TBTThe Bible Translator (journal)
TBTTurquoise Biomedical Technologies (UK)
TBTTechnology Based Training
TBTTwisted Brown Trucker (band)
TBTTruth Be Told
TBTTime Based Text (computer project)
TBTTrès Basse Tension (French: very low voltage)
TBTThrough Bore Tree (energy exploration)
TBTTropical Bont Tick (parasite)
TBTTemple Beth Tikvah (Fullerton, California synagogue)
TBTTabatinga, Amazonas, Brazil (Airport Code)
TBTTool Box Talk (safety talk)
TBTTampa Bay Technical High School (Florida)
TBTTotal Bottom Time (SCUBA diving)
TBTTranscontinental Bluebird Trail
TBTThunder Bay Television
TBTTetrabutyl Titanate
TBTThat Bouncy Thing
TBTThe Bell Tree (Nintendo game)
TBTToshiba Bravethunders (sports team; Japan)
TBTTrès Basse Température (French: very low temperature)
TBTTurn-Based Tactics (gaming)
TBTTail-Biting Trellis (code)
TBTTelemarketing and Business Telecommunications (convention)
TBTTurbine Blade Temperature
TBTTransformation-Based Tagger
TBTTotal Body Temperature
TBTTask-Based Training
TBTTechnical Bid Tabulation (engineering)
TBTTeam-Based Training
TBTTaco Bell Tuesday