Acronym | Definition |
TBTC | Table Trac, Inc. (Minnetonka, MN) |
TBTC | Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (US CDC) |
TBTC | Timebase Timer Control Register |
TBTC | Tularosa Basin Telephone Company (est. 1996; Tularosa, NM) |
TBTC | Taiwan Building Technology Center (Taipei, Taiwan) |
TBTC | The Business Travel Conference (UK) |
TBTC | Thunder Bay Truck Centre (Canada) |
TBTC | Transmission-Based Train Control (railways) |
TBTC | Take Back the Campus (Ann Arbor, MI) |
TBTC | The Baptist Tabernacle Church (Ladson, SC) |
TBTC | Toronto Bruce Trail Club (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
TBTC | Transportable Blood Transshipment Center |
TBTC | Tributyl Tin Chloride |
TBTC | Technisch Bureau Ten Cate (Dutch: Technical Office Ten Cate; Netherlands) |