Acronym | Definition |
TBW | Total Bytes Written (computing) |
TBW | Terabytes Written (computer storage) |
TBW | Total Body Water |
TBW | Thermo Balanced Writing |
TBW | Throttle by Wire |
TBW | Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. (Orlando, FL) |
TBW | Throwback Wednesday |
TBW | Total Body Weight |
TBW | To Be Written |
TBW | The Big Wheel |
TBW | The Bridge World (est. 1929; magazine) |
TBW | Total Body Workout |
TBW | Tambov (Russia) |
TBW | To Begin With (Internet slang) |
TBW | That Bloody Woman (Margaret Thatcher slang; UK) |
TBW | Throttle by Wire (motorcycles) |
TBW | The Balance Wheel |
TBW | To Be Watched |
TBW | The Beauty Works (UK) |
TBW | (website; est. 2003) |
TBW | ToyBoyWarehouse |
TBW | The Bionic Woman (TV series) |
TBW | Talking Book World |
TBW | Tossed by Wave (medical slang) |
TBW | The Beggars' Way (band) |
TBW | Tension Band Wiring (orthopedic surgery) |
TBW | The Business Workshop (India) |
TBW | Time-Bandwidth Product |
TBW | The Beauty Within |
TBW | The Broken West (band) |
TBW | Tired But Wired (Tom Clancy) |
TBW | The Beer Warriors (gaming community) |
TBW | The Breaking Wheel (Guitar Hero song) |
TBW | To Be Wife |
TBW | The Bra Whisperer |
TBW | Two Bits Worth (University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Lafayette, LA) |
TBW | Tall Beautiful Woman |