Acronym | Definition |
AIV | Amazon Instant Video |
AIV | Avian Influenza Virus |
AIV | Aluminium Intensive Vehicle |
AIV | Assembly Integration and Verification |
AIV | Aluminum-Intensive Vehicle |
AIV | Aggregate Impact Value (engineering) |
AIV | Année Internationale des Volontaires (French) |
AIV | Average Impact Value (transportation science) |
AIV | Afrique in Visu (photography) |
AIV | Assembly-Integration-Verification |
AIV | Associazione Italiana del Vuoto (Italian Vacuum Association) |
AIV | Administrator Intervention against Vandalism (Wikimedia Foundation editing policy) |
AIV | Alternative Inter VLC |
AIV | Approches Interdisciplinaires du Vivant (French: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Life) |
AIV | Armored Infantry Vehicle |
AIV | Acoustic Induced Vibration |
AIV | Aviation Impact Variable |
AIV | Alternative Investment Vehicle |
AIV | Association de l'Ingénierie du Vent (French: Association of Wind Engineering) |
AIV | Architecten-en Ingenieursbureau Vanacker (Dutch: Architects and Engineers Vanacker; Belgium) |
AIV | Avionics Integrated Verification |
AIV | Accelerated Inverse Voltage |
AIV | Accumulated Investment Value |
AIV | Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia (Italian Association of Volcanology) |
AIV | Application Industrielle du Vide (French: Industrial Vacuum Application) |