STORMStochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy
STORMStorage Resource Manager
STORMSave the Oak Ridges Moraine
STORMStorm-Scale Operational and Research Meteorology
STORMScalable Tool for Resource Management
STORMServices for Treating Older Residents’ Mental Health
STORMSmall Tactical Optical Rifle-Mounted (micro-laser rangefinder)
STORMSounding and Tracking Observatory for Regional Meteorology
STORMStatistically-Oriented Matrix Program
STORMStem Cell Ocular Regenerative Medicine (Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute; Maryland)
STORMService to Others Really Matters (Australia)
STORMSimulation Testing Operations Rehearsal Model (US Army)
STORMStar of Resistance Medics (New York City)
STORMSensor, Tank, Off-Route Mine
STORMSynthetic Theater Operations Research Model
STORMSobriety-Trained Officers Representing Mississippi
STORMService to Others in Rural Minnesota (church camp)
STORMSubmarine Tactical Oceanographic Reference Manual
STORMStructured-Oriented Resilient Multicast
STORMSynchronised Transparent Optimised Rotational Method (search engine methodology)
STORMSoftware Testing On-Line Resources of Middle Tennessee State University