TODTransit Oriented Development (land development designed to encourage mass transit use)
TODThought of the Day
TODTransfer on Death
TODTime Of Day
TODThe Oil Drum (website)
TODTree of Death
TODTouch of Death (gaming)
TODTrail of Dead (band)
TODThe Other Day
TODTopic of Discussion
TODTruth Or Dare
TODTour Of Duty
TODTest of Details (accountings)
TODTales of Destiny (video game)
TODThe Open Door (band)
TODTalent on Demand
TODTickets on Departure
TODTime Out Detection
TODTorque on Demand
TODTerms of Delivery
TODTime Of Death
TODTemple of Doom (Indiana Jones movie)
TODToyota of Dallas (Dallas, TX)
TODTales of Destiny (game)
TODTime Of Delivery
TODTime Of Departure
TODTriangle Orientation Discrimination
TODTorque on Demand (Isuzu)
TODTarget Organ Damage
TODTechnical Operations Department (various organiations)
TODTotal Oxygen Demand (environmental analysis)
TODTop of Descent
TODTransparency Obligations Directive (EU)
TODTelevision on Demand (Broadbus)
TODTrain Operator Display
TODTurnover Discount (various companies)
TODThird Order Dispersion
TODTeam of Destiny
TODTheoretical Oxygen Demand
TODTake-Off Distance
TODTactical Ocean Data
TODTeacher of Deaf (education qualification)
TODTemporary Overdraft (banking)
TODTheatre of the Deaf
TODTime Of Dispatch
TODTail Over Deck (aircraft)
TODTeen Open Diary
TODTest of Design (various organizations)
TODTool on Demand (AOL software update)
TODTelecommunications On Demand Inc (Orwigsburg, PA)
TODTechnical Order Data
TODTime of Detonation
TODTechnical Objective Document
TODTop of Duct
TODTask Object Design
TODTransfer of Ownership Document (automobiles)
TODThe Obscure Disaster (Band)
TODTarget Offset Distance
TODTouch of Downs
TODTunable Optical Detector (photonics)
TODTool Operational Definition
TODTradeoff Determination
TODTurk Ortodonti Dernegi (Turkish: Turkish Association of Orthodontics)
TODTextes de La Décentralisation (French: Decentralization Law)
TODTarget Object Descriptor