C&ICommercial & Industrial
C&ICurriculum & Instruction
C&ICost & Insurance
C&ICommunication and Information
C&ICreativity and Innovation
C&IConsumer and Industrial
C&IControl & Instrumentation (engineering)
C&IConstruction & Installation
C&IConference & Incentive
C&IConsulting & Integration
C&ICriteria & Indicators (sustainable forest management)
C&ICareless and Imprudent (driving offense)
C&IComplaints and Investigations
C&IConstruction and Inspection
C&ICertification & Inspection
C&ICorrosion & Inspection (engineering)
C&ICamden and Islington (Mental Health Trust)
C&IChemistry & Industry Magazine (Industrial chemistry magazine published in London)
C&ICompatibility & Interoperability
C&ICommands and Indications
C&IContests and Incentives
C&ICheckout & Integration
C&IConcepts and Initiatives