Acronym | Definition |
TFG | Transitional Federal Government |
TFG | Trading Figure Game (Pokemon) |
TFG | Tetragon Financial Group (Guernsey, Channel Islands) |
TFG | Total Fishing Gear (UK) |
TFG | Triple Fat Goose (Sayreville, NJ) |
TFG | Task and Finish Group (UK) |
TFG | Together for God (various organizations) |
TFG | Tools for Gents (Germany) |
TFG | Tactical Fighter Group (USAF) |
TFG | Timber Framers Guild |
TFG | Task Force Group (various organizations) |
TFG | Taken for Granted |
TFG | The Freedonia Group (est. 1985; market research) |
TFG | The Futures Group |
TFG | Too Far Gone |
TFG | Three-F Giken Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
TFG | The Facility Group (various locations) |
TFG | The Fitz Group (Addison, TX) |
TFG | The Forever Glamorous |
TFG | The Financial Group |
TFG | The Fall Guy |
TFG | The Family Groove (online magazine) |
TFG | Technical Forum Group |
TFG | Two from Galilee |
TFG | Teacher Focus Group |
TFG | Terremark Federal Group (Terremark Worldwide, Inc.) |
TFG | Trapped Floor Gulley |
TFG | Théatre Firmin Gémier (French theater) |
TFG | Talleres Florencio Gomez (Spanish transport system manufacturer) |
TFG | The Forbidden Gates (video game) |
TFG | Time for Good (Christian volunteering group; UK) |
TFG | Technical Focus Group |
TFG | Technologie–Fonds GmbH (German, now TFG Venture Capital) |
TFG | Transportation Facility Guide |
TFG | Terrain and Feature Generation |
TFG | Tentative Force Guidance |
TFG | Terminal Facilities Guide |
TFG | Transfer Flame Generator |
TFG | Teen Fellowship Group |
TFG | Total Financial Group (various locations) |
TFG | Treacalicious Fun Gang (fiction-based organisation from the books published by knn publishing inc.) |
TFG | TRK (Tyrosine Kinase)-Fused Gene (biology) |