Acronym | Definition |
TFH | The Family Handyman (magazine) |
TFH | Trailers from Hell (movies) |
TFH | Tropical Fish Hobbyist (magazine) |
TFH | Touch for Health |
TFH | 24 Hours (Movie) |
TFH | Turbo Profiler Help |
TFH | Technische Fachhochschule (German: Engeneering College/University) |
TFH | The Floating Hospital (New York, NY) |
TFH | The Father's House (Christianity) |
TFH | Transport for Health (Australia) |
TFH | Thread from Hell (newsgroups) |
TFH | Tinfoil Hat |
TFH | Thanks For Helping |
TFH | Task Force Helmand (UK) |
TFH | Task Force Hope |
TFH | Toulouse Féminin Handball (French women's handball group) |
TFH | Tourism for Help (sustainable tourism group; Switzerland) |
TFH | The Falcon's Hangar (retailer; Singapore) |
TFH | Tegyük Fel Hogy (Hungarian) |
TFH | Très Forte Hygrométrie (French: Very High Humidity) |
TFH | Toys for the Handicapped (now Special Needs Toys; international charity) |
TFH | Temporary Fence Hire (Australia) |
TFH | Three Fingers Hand (band) |
TFH | Test Flight Hours |
TFH | Timing Failure Handler |
TFH | Thyroid Follicular Hypertrophy |