TFNTax File Number (Australia)
TFNTribunal Fiscal de la Nación (Spanish: National Tax Court; Argentina)
TFNTheForce.Net (Star Wars Fan Site)
TFNTexas Freedom Network
TFNTsawwassen First Nation (Canada)
TFNTransferrin (protein)
TFNToday's Financial News (Baltimore, MD)
TFNTransport File Name
TFNTransverse File Name
TFNTransfer File Name
TFNTax File Number
TFNTribe Flood Network
TFNThe Foundation (hip-hop band)
TFNTaiwan Fixed Network
TFNTribe Flood Network (Computer virus TCPSYN flood, ICMP Echo and directed attacks)
TFNThe Food Network
TFNToronto FreeNet
TFNToll Free Number
TFNThe Freecycle Network (Freecycle Network, Inc.)
TFNThe Football Network (also seen as TFNK)
TFNThanks for Nothing
TFNThird Frontier Network
TFNTour of Nilgiris (Indian bicycle tour)
TFNTill Further Notice
TFNTrochanteric Fixation Nail
TFNTobacco Free Nurses (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
TFNTeach First Norway (educational project)
TFNTenerife, Canary Islands, Spain - Tenerife Norte Los Rodeos (Airport Code)
TFNToronto Field Naturalists (Canada)
TFNThomson Financial Network (website)
TFNTrack & Field News (periodical)
TFNThin Film Network
TFNThird Floor North (Santa Ana, CA architectural sign company)
TFNThermoplastic Fixture Wire Nylon Jacketed (UL)
TFNTrochanteric Femoral Nail
TFNThe Future Noise (monthly music exhibition)
TFNTheoretical Foundations of Nursing (education)
TFNTrain Functional Number
TFNTarget File Number
TFNTransnational Feminist Network
TFNTrade Forums Noob (Star Wars Galaxies)
TFNTotal Frontal Nudity
TFNTechnique Française du Nettoyage SAS (France)