TIAThanks In Advance
TIATerrorism Information Awareness (US DARPA program; formerly Total Information Awareness)
TIATelecommunications Industry Association
TIATotal Information Awareness (US DARPA program; now Terrorism Information Awareness)
TIATransient Ischemic Attack
TIAToy Industry Association, Inc.
TIATire Industry Association
TIATotally Integrated Automation (Siemens AG)
TIAThis Is America
TIATravel Industry Association of America
TIATampa International Airport
TIAToday I Ate
TIAThat Is All (internet slang)
TIATradition in Action (relgious group)
TIATime Impact Analysis
TIAThe Intellectual Activist
TIATotally Integrated Automation
TIATotal Information Awareness
TIATechnology Industry Association
TIATelecommunications Industries Association
TIATransimpedance Amplifier
TIATelecommunications and Information Administration
TIATake It Away
TIATrust Indenture Act of 1939
TIATraffic Impact Analysis
TIATransport Impact Assessment (various locations)
TIATucson International Airport
TIAThe Interfaith Alliance
TIATentative Interim Amendment
TIATribhuvan International Airport (Nepal)
TIAThis Is Africa (movie)
TIAThe Internet Adapter
TIAThanks in Anticipation
TIATruth In Advertising
TIATortilla Industry Association
TIAType Inspection Authorization
TIATulsa International Airport
TIATransport Infrastructure Act (Australia)
TIATime Interval Analyzer
TIATechnology Industries Association
TIATochigi International Association (Japan)
TIATerminologie et Intelligence Artificielle
TIATax Injunction Act
TIATeam Instant Action (gaming)
TIATechnology Investment Agreement
TIATelevision Interface Adaptor (chip found in old Atari consoles)
TIATraffic Improvement Association
TIATerrorism Information Awareness System
TIATournament Indoor Association (color guard group)
TIATobacco Institute of Australia
TIAThis Is Anfield (fanzine website)
TIAThis Is Awkward
TIATourism Industry Association of New Zealand (also seen as TIANZ)
TIATakings Impact Assessment (Texas Department of Transportation)
TIATemporary Insurance Agreement
TIAThe Insurance Application (Denmark)
TIAThat Is Alright
TIATirana, Albania - Rinas (Airport Code)
TIATrotsky Internet Archive
TIATemporary Investigative Authority
TIATransparency International Australia
TIATecnicos en Investigación Aeroterraquea (Spanish comic book)
TIATohoku Internet Association (Japan)
TIATraining Impact Analysis
TIATechniques Industrielles Appliquées (French: Applied Industrial Technologies)
TIATechnical Interest Area
TIATerminal Indicate Assignment
TIATechnology Information Advisor
TIATalking in Acronyms
TIATactical Interface Adapter
TIATechnical Interface Agreement
TIATransparency In Armaments agreement
TIATotal Inactive Aircraft
TIATeknoland Internet Agency
TIATelescope and Instrument Assembly
TIATest Interface Assembly
TIATechnology Integration & Application
TIATemperature Indicating Alarm
TIATexas Indoor Advertising