SVPS'il Vous Plaît (French: Please)
SVPSenior Vice President
SVPSony Vegas Pro
SVPSt Vincent de Paul
SVPSchweizerische Volkspartei (Swiss People's Party)
SVPSocial Venture Partners
SVPSexually Violent Predator
SVPStrategic Value Partners (various locations)
SVPSmoothVideo Project (software)
SVPService Processor
SVPSpecific Vocational Preparation (Department of Labor)
SVPSpecific Vocational Preparation
SVPSpectraLink Voice Priority
SVPSociety of Vertebrate Paleontology
SVPSmall Volume Parenteral
SVPSenior Volunteer Program (various organizations)
SVPSonique Visual Plug-in
SVPSingle Vulnerability Problem
SVPSimple Visual Profile
SVPService Provider
SVPSearch Vista Platform
SVPSurface Vertical Package
SVPSpectralink Voice Prioritization
SVPSüdtiroler Volkspartei (People's Party of South Tyrol/Altoadige)
SVPSaturated Vapor Pressure
SVPSchool Violence Prevention (various locations)
SVPSustainable Value Proposition
SVPSwitched Virtual Path
SVPStudent Volunteer Program (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
SVPSocial Visit Pass (Singapore)
SVPsoil and vent pipe
SVPSmallpox Vaccination Program
SVPSecure Video Processor
SVPSite Vice President (various companies)
SVPSupervised Visitation Program (various organizations)
SVPStream Valley Park
SVPSales Volume Planning
SVPStored Value Product
SVPSound Velocity Profile
SVPSoftware Validation Plan
SVPSingle-Ventricle Palliation (cardiology)
SVPSoftware Validation Protocol
SVPSilicon Virtual Prototyping (computer chip design)
SVPStable Value Protection
SVPSpecial Visibility Program
SVPSystem Verification Plan
SVPSmall Value Purchase
SVPSouthern Tyrols People's Party (Italy)
SVPSave Percentage (hockey goaltender stat)
SVPSecure Vault Payment (online payment processing)
SVPSignificant Vernal Pool (habitat)
SVPSelectVideo Publishing
SVPSurface Velocity Programme (superseded by the GDP)
SVPSoftware Verification Plan
SVPSurge Voltage Protector
SVPSingle Voyage Permit
SVPShakopee Valley Printing (Minnesota printing company)
SVPStride Value Predictor (computing)
SVPStress Volume Performance
SVPSymantec Value Program
SVPSysteme mit Verteilten Parametern (German)
SVPSpontaneous Venous Pulsation
SVPSecure Virginia Panel
SVPStandardized VCR (Voluntary Compliance Resolution) Procedure (US IRS)
SVPSchlechte Verlierer Partei (Switzerland)
SVP(combined) Soil & Vent Pipe (British building industry)
SVPStatic-Classification Value Predictor
SVPSpecial Vehicle Program (Ford Motor Co.)