SVRSevere (Thunderstorm) Warning
SVRStandard Variable Rate
SVRSustained Virologic Response
SVRSupport Vector Regression
SVRSystemic Vascular Resistance (cardiology)
SVRSevern Valley Railway (UK)
SVRSuomen Valkoisen Ruusun (Finnish: White Rose of Finland; knighthood)
SVRSmart Video Recorder
SVRSatellite Vulnerability Report
SVRSurface Velocity Radar
SVRStolen Vehicle Recovery
SVRScottish Variable Rate (UK taxes)
SVRSwiss Village Resort (Vietnam)
SVRSurface Vessel Radar (US DoD)
SVRSuppressed Voltage Rating
SVRSkandinavisk Vapenrulla (Scandinavian roll of arms)
SVRSanta Venera (postal locality, Malta)
SVRSterling Vineyards Reserve (wine)
SVRSystem Verification Review
SVRSluzhba Vneshnei Razvedki (Russian Foreign Intelligence Service; post cold war intelligence service)
SVRSnoqualmie Valley Record (Community Newspaper)
SVRSmackdown! Versus RAW (game)
SVRSlant Visual Range
SVRSuper Video Recording
SVRSoftware Verification Results
SVRSumpter Valley Railroad
SVRShop Visit Rate
SVRSérigraphie Vernis Repiquage (French: Silkscreen Varnish-Dubbing)
SVRSecurity Violation Report
SVRSpiritus Vini Rectificatus (Latin: Rectified Grape Spirit)
SVRSystem Validation Review
SVRShenandoah Valley Railroad
SVRSaradar Vallabhbhai Regional Engineering College, Surat India
SVRSynthesized Vehicular Repeater (Pyramid Communications)
SVRSuperior Valley Bombing and Gunnery Range (China Lake)
SVRSite Visit Required
SVRSupplier Variation Request