Acronym | Definition |
TVC | Television Commercial |
TVC | Televisió de Catalunya (Catalan Public Broadcasting Company, Catalonia, Spain) |
TVC | Total Variable Cost |
TVC | Total Viable Count |
TVC | Thrust Vector Control |
TVC | Thermal Vacuum Chamber |
TVC | Television Continental (Nigeria) |
TVC | Traditional Values Coalition |
TVC | Television Centre (BBC) |
TVC | True Vocal Cord |
TVC | The Vanderbilt Clinic (Tennessee) |
TVC | Tag Virtual Circuit |
TVC | Tree View Control |
TVC | Total Vegetation Control (herbicide) |
TVC | Texas Veterans Commission |
TVC | Trapped Vortex Combustor |
TVC | Transvaginal Cholecystectomy (surgical procedure) |
TVC | Tennessee Valley Corridor (economic development organization) |
TVC | Thermal Voltage Converter |
TVC | Tongariro Volcanic Centre (New Zealand) |
TVC | Total Value Creation (TVC International Inc., TVCI) |
TVC | Temporary, Vendor and Contract (workers) |
TVC | The Volunteer Center (various locations) |
TVC | The Vintage Corner (website) |
TVC | Typical Vanderbilt (University) Co-Ed |
TVC | The Virtual Company (various locations) |
TVC | The Victory Center (cancer center; Toledo, OH) |
TVC | The Veterans Corporation |
TVC | Tax Sheltered Annuity Voluntary Compliance (IRS) |
TVC | Tape Volume Cache |
TVC | The Volunteer Connection (est. 2005) |
TVC | The Vienna Circle (band) |
TVC | Videoton TV Computer (Hungarian computer system) |
TVC | Traverse City, MI, USA - Cherry Capital Airport (Airport Code) |
TVC | The Village Connection |
TVC | The Violence Clan (gaming) |
TVC | Tag Virtual Circuit (Cisco) |
TVC | The Veterinary Club, LLC (group purchasing organization; Tennessee) |
TVC | Tweed Valley College (Gold Coast, Australia) |
TVC | Total Variable Count |
TVC | The Vermont Connection |
TVC | Time-Varying Channel |
TVC | Thrust Vane Control |
TVC | Temp, Vendor, Contractor (Google employee classification) |
TVC | Troy Varsity Cheerleading (Troy High School; Fullerton, CA) |
TVC | Transit Virtual Channel |
TVC | Transfert Vidéo Colombo (French video editing company) |