Acronym | Definition |
TVE | Televisión Española (Spanish national broadcasting television) |
TVE | TV Everywhere |
TVE | Tid Verify |
TVE | Turbine Video Encoder |
TVE | Tickford Vehicle Engineering |
TVE | Television Trust for the Environment |
TVE | Transrapid Versuchsanlage Emsland (German: Transrapid Test Facility, Emsland) |
TVE | Township and Village Enterprise (China) |
TVE | Toa Valve Engineering (Japan) |
TVE | Town and Village Enterprise |
TVE | Thames Valley Energy (UK) |
TVE | Trusted Virtual Environment |
TVE | Tank Vehicle Equipment |
TVE | Terre Vivante et Espace (French: Living Earth and Space; research group) |
TVE | Télé Vidéo Espace (French: TV Video Space; multimedia production company) |
TVE | Technical Validation Experiment |
TVE | Time-Varying Encoder |
TVE | Train à Vitesse Elevée (French: High-Speed Train) |
TVE | transvaginal echography |