Acronym | Definition |
UPL | United Phosphorus Ltd. (various locations) |
UPL | Unauthorized Practice of Law |
UPL | Ukraine Premier League (football) |
UPL | Upper Payment Limit |
UPL | Universal Parsing Language |
UPL | Unapproved Parts List |
UPL | Upload |
UPL | User Perceived Latency |
UPL | Upper Payment Limit (Medicaid) |
UPL | Unión del Pueblo Leonés (Spain) |
UPL | Unlicensed Practice of Law |
UPL | Unpaid Leave |
UPL | Utica Public Library (Utica, NY) |
UPL | Unit Prevention Leader |
UPL | Unit Price List |
UPL | Unsecured Personal Loan |
UPL | University Press Limited |
UPL | User Program Language |
UPL | Unfunded Priority List |
UPL | Union Populaire Locale (Wallis and Futuna) |
UPL | Upala, Costa Rica (Airport code) |
UPL | Uniontown Public Library (Pennsylvania) |
UPL | Utah Power and Light |
UPL | Urbandale Public Library (Iowa) |
UPL | Using Profane Language (Quaker religion) |
UPL | United Powers League (Star Craft) |
UPL | Upper Prediction Limit |
UPL | Universal Probe Library |
UPL | University of Pennsylvania Library (Philadelphia, PA) |
UPL | Un-equal Packet Loss |
UPL | Upper Profits Limit |
UPL | Undergraduate Projects Lab (UW-Madison Computer Science Department) |
UPL | Utility Partnership Ltd. (UK) |
UPL | Universal Programming Language |
UPL | Unsecured Proxies List |
UPL | Universal Program License (Ukraine) |
UPL | Uncovered Portion of the Lunate |
UPL | Unacceptable Pollutant Level |
UPL | Uniform Person Locator |
UPL | Unscheduled Personal Leave (also seen as UPERL) |