Acronym | Definition |
TCA | Television Critics Association |
TCA | Tennessee Code Annotated (Tennessee Statutory Law) |
TCA | Transaction Cost Analysis |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands (ISO Country code) |
TCA | Teen Choice Award |
TCA | Trichloroacetic Acid (CAS Number 76-03-9) |
TCA | Train Collectors Association |
TCA | Tricarboxylic Acid |
TCA | Trichloroethane |
TCA | Telecommunications Association |
TCA | Thomas Cook Airlines (UK) |
TCA | Test Center Administrator (various locations) |
TCA | Texas Commission on the Arts (Austin, TX) |
TCA | Tricyclic Antidepressant |
TCA | Truckload Carriers Association |
TCA | The Catholic Answer (magazine) |
TCA | Tempe Center for the Arts (Arizona) |
TCA | Trust Company of America (Colorado) |
TCA | Tilt-Up Concrete Association |
TCA | Times of Central Asia (various locations) |
TCA | Taxes Consolidation Act (Ireland) |
TCA | Tile Council of America (now Tile Council of North America) |
TCA | Trinity Christian Academy |
TCA | Toccoa (Amtrak station code; Toccoa, GA) |
TCA | Transportation Corridor Agencies (toll road administration, Orange County, California) |
TCA | The Classical Academy |
TCA | Twin Cache Architecture |
TCA | Translation Controller Assembly |
TCA | Target Channel Adapter |
TCA | Taipei Computer Association |
TCA | Tivoli Common Agent |
TCA | Threshold Crossing Alert |
TCA | Thin Client Application |
TCA | Transmit Cell Available |
TCA | Thin Client Adapter |
TCA | Trading Community Architecture |
TCA | Task Control Area |
TCA | Touch Count Algorithm |
TCA | Telecom Computing Architecture |
TCA | To Come Again (outpatient note) |
TCA | To Come Again |
TCA | Tangible Capital Asset (finance) |
TCA | Tucson, Arizona (border patrol sector) |
TCA | Temporary Cash Assistance |
TCA | Trans Canada Airlines |
TCA | Traffic Conditioning Agreement (Natural Microsystems) |
TCA | Trading Community Architecture (Oracle) |
TCA | Transconductance Amplifier (electronics) |
TCA | Threshold Crossing Alert (SONET) |
TCA | The Catered Affair (Massachusetts) |
TCA | Telecommunications Carriers Association (Japan) |
TCA | Tax Credit Advisor (publication; National Housing & Rehabilitation Association) |
TCA | Total Community Action (various locations) |
TCA | The Commercial Appeal (newspaper, Memphis, TN) |
TCA | Team Care Arrangement (healthcare) |
TCA | Telecommunications Act of 1996 |
TCA | Terminal Control Area |
TCA | Texas Counseling Association |
TCA | Trial Court Administrator (various locations) |
TCA | Texas Culinary Academy (Austin, Texas) |
TCA | Test of Cognitive Ability |
TCA | The Catholic Association |
TCA | The Communications Agency (various locations) |
TCA | Total Cost of Acquisition |
TCA | Turkish Court of Accounts (est. 1862) |
TCA | Tissue Culture and Art (project; Australia) |
TCA | Tempelhof Central Airport (US airfield; Germany) |
TCA | Trust Companies Act (Singapore) |
TCA | Transformational Communications Architecture (military space systems) |
TCA | Time of Closest Approach |
TCA | The Creative Alliance |
TCA | Twin County Airport (various locations) |
TCA | Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty |
TCA | Telecommunications Computing Architecture (Initiative from PICMG to create standardized specs for next generation carrier) |
TCA | Throttle Control Assembly (aviation engineering) |
TCA | Translation Controller Assembly (US NASA) |
TCA | Thin Client Application (computer programming) |
TCA | Trouble du Comportement Alimentaire (French: Eating Disorder) |
TCA | Trade and Cooperation Agreement (EU) |
TCA | The Compleat Angler (fishing book) |
TCA | Trichlorethane |
TCA | Tasmanian Cricket Association |
TCA | Tarlac College of Agriculture (Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines) |
TCA | Trainer/Cargo Aircraft (NATO) |
TCA | Tax Collection Agreement |
TCA | Take Charge America, Inc |
TCA | Technology Centres Australia (Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia) |
TCA | 2,4,6-Trichloroanisol |
TCA | Technical Cooperation Agreement (various organizations) |
TCA | Texas Chess Association |
TCA | Tissue Culture Association |
TCA | Torts Claim Act (various locations) |
TCA | Traditional Cost Accounting |
TCA | Thrust Chamber Assembly (main combustion chamber and the nozzle of a rocket engine) |
TCA | Trust Companies Association (various locations) |
TCA | The Consumer Alliance |
TCA | Transport Canada Aviation |
TCA | Thornton Creek Alliance (Seattle, WA) |
TCA | Total Corrosion Allowance (oil industry) |
TCA | Taiho Corporation of America (Tiffin, OH; est. 1996) |
TCA | Terms and Conditions Agreement |
TCA | Terminal Controlled Airspace |
TCA | Temple Christian Academy (various locations) |
TCA | Texas Cotton Association (Dallas, TX) |
TCA | Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan (Tokyo, Japan) |
TCA | Task Control Area (CICS) |
TCA | The Catholic Advocate |
TCA | Topology Change Acknowledgement (Cisco) |
TCA | Test Calibration Assembly |
TCA | Technician in Costing and Accounting (UK) |
TCA | Testing and Certification Australia |
TCA | The Capitalist Army (blog) |
TCA | Trailer Coach Association |
TCA | Tactical Control Assistant (US Army) |
TCA | Theatre Commander's Approval (US Navy) |
TCA | Threshold Crossing Alarm |
TCA | Transfer Cluster Allowed (ANSI) |
TCA | 1-1-1-Tetrachloroethane |
TCA | Tax Credit Amount |
TCA | Texas Common Application |
TCA | Thomas C. Adams (British estate agents) |
TCA | Thoroughbred Charities of America, Ltd |
TCA | Track and Clue Awareness |
TCA | The Cats Ass (gaming clan) |
TCA | Traffic Control Airport |
TCA | Track Continuity Area |
TCA | Tuscola County Advertiser (Michigan newspaper) |
TCA | Traffic Control Area |
TCA | Thermal Critical Assembly |
TCA | Telephone Cleansing Australia |
TCA | Tower Controlled Airspace (FAA) |
TCA | Tank, Compressed Air |
TCA | Television Consumer Audit |
TCA | Technical Cooperation Agency |
TCA | Tertiary Colleges Association (UK) |
TCA | Teaching Company Associates |
TCA | Title Council of America (Princeton, NJ) |
TCA | Three Character Acronym |
TCA | Thumb Cattlemen's Association (thumb area of Michigan) |
TCA | Therma Choice Ablation |
TCA | Tubing-Casing-Annulus |
TCA | Transportation Control Agency |
TCA | Traditional COCOM Activities |
TCA | Transit Case Assembly |
TCA | Track Crossing Altitude |
TCA | TRADOC Contracting Agency |
TCA | TransCon Airlines (fictional) |
TCA | Track Circuit Assister (railway transportation) |
TCA | Target Crossing Angle |
TCA | Transcon Airlines |
TCA | Tilted-Coil Antenna |
TCA | Turkish Contractor Association |
TCA | Triumph Club d'Alsace (French: Triumph Club of Alsace; Alsace, France) |
TCA | Technician of the Institute of Cost and Executive Accountants (UK) |
TCA | TDK (Tokyo Denkikagaku Kogyo KK) Corporation of America (est. 1974; California) |