Acronym | Definition |
TLCA | Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications |
TLCA | Toyota Land Cruiser Association |
TLCA | The Leadership Campaign on AIDS |
TLCA | Telugu Literary and Cultural Association (Deer Park, NY) |
TLCA | Trust and Loan Companies Act (Canada) |
TLCA | Top-Level Certification Authority |
TLCA | Tasmanian Landcare Association Inc. (South Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) |
TLCA | Theological Library Cooperative of Arizona |
TLCA | The Lonsdale Citizens Association (North Vancouver, BC, Canada) |
TLCA | Texas Leaf-Cutting Ant |
TLCA | Trout Lake Campers Association (Canada) |
TLCA | Temporary Laser Controlled Area |
TLCA | The Las Colinas Association (Irving, Texas) |
TLCA | Tipton Lakes Community Association (Columbus, Indiana) |
TLCA | The Lexington Christian Academy (Lexington, KY) |
TLCA | Twist Lock Collar Assembly |
TLCA | The Local Council Authority |
TLCA | Tatla Lake Community Association (BC, Canada) |
TLCA | Trap-Loaded Cylindrical Antenna |