Acronym | Definition |
SWAT | Special Weapons and Tactics (team) |
SWAT | Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory |
SWAT | Soil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model) |
SWAT | Samba Web Administration Tool |
SWAT | Students Working Against Tobacco |
SWAT | Soldiers with a Testimony (youth group; various locations) |
SWAT | South West Angels of Terror (roller derby team) |
SWAT | Students Working to Advance Technology |
SWAT | Soccer with Attitude |
SWAT | Special Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics) |
SWAT | Symbolic, Written, Audio, Technical |
SWAT | Students With A Testimony |
SWAT | Subjective Workload Assessment Technique |
SWAT | Stress Wave Analysis Technique |
SWAT | Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto |
SWAT | Soul Winning and Training (Baptist church) |
SWAT | Solid Waste Assessment Test |
SWAT | Severe Wastewater Analysis Test (coating performance evaluation; Tnemec) |
SWAT | Sexy without Actually Trying (clothing line; Swathearts) |
SWAT | Soldiers with Apostolic Truth |
SWAT | Special Winning Attitude Team |
SWAT | Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology |
SWAT | Strategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show) |
SWAT | Seattle Washington Autoduel Team |
SWAT | Students with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
SWAT | Sisters With A Throttle (motorcycle club) |
SWAT | Skilled With Advanced Tools (software development) |
SWAT | South West Alief Texas |
SWAT | Servants with A Testimony |
SWAT | Scientific Wild Ass Guess |
SWAT | Swift Action Team |
SWAT | Specialists With Advanced Tools |
SWAT | Sell What's Available Today |
SWAT | Students Winning Against Tobacco (Texas) |
SWAT | Solutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco) |
SWAT | Soul Winning Attack Team (Fayetteville, GA) |
SWAT | Software Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance) |
SWAT | Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems) |
SWAT | Short Wavelength Adaptive Technology |
SWAT | Surface Water Ambient Toxics Monitoring Program (Maine) |
SWAT | Sick Wild and Twisted (band) |
SWAT | Secure Wire Access Terminal |
SWAT | Spiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry) |
SWAT | Skilled Workers with Advanced Tools |
SWAT | SouthWest Airedale Terriers |
SWAT | surface water assessment team |
SWAT | System Wide Analysis Team |
SWAT | Southwest Aquatics of Texas |
SWAT | Satellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool |
SWAT | Subsea Well Abandonment Tool |
SWAT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment) |
SWAT | Staff Without Adequate Training |
SWAT | Squad Weapons Analytical Trainer |
SWAT | Solid Waste Assessment Team |
SWAT | Seeds, Weeds, And Trash |
SWAT | Southwest Association of Trackers |
SWAT | Ship What's Available Today |
SWAT | Sanibel Water Attack Team (swimming) |
SWAT | Service Weapons Acceptability Test |
SWAT | Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics |
SWAT | Software Wireless Access Tandem |
SWAT | Surface Weapons Against Torpedoes |
SWAT | Server, Workstation And Technology Group |
SWAT | Soul Winning Across Town |
SWAT | Switch Assembly Test |
SWAT | Strengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment) |
SWAT | Scout Water Activity Team |
SWAT | Southwest Area Vocational-Technical (school) |
SWAT | Softball with an Attitude (softball team; Philadelphia, PA) |
SWAT | Special Warfare Assault Team (Call of Duty gaming clan) |
SWAT | Seeking Wisdom and Truth (Christianity) |
SWAT | Saints With A Testimony (LDS church) |