SWATSpecial Weapons and Tactics (team)
SWATScandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory
SWATSoil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model)
SWATSamba Web Administration Tool
SWATStudents Working Against Tobacco
SWATSoldiers with a Testimony (youth group; various locations)
SWATSouth West Angels of Terror (roller derby team)
SWATStudents Working to Advance Technology
SWATSoccer with Attitude
SWATSpecial Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics)
SWATSymbolic, Written, Audio, Technical
SWATStudents With A Testimony
SWATSubjective Workload Assessment Technique
SWATStress Wave Analysis Technique
SWATSex Workers' Alliance of Toronto
SWATSoul Winning and Training (Baptist church)
SWATSolid Waste Assessment Test
SWATSevere Wastewater Analysis Test (coating performance evaluation; Tnemec)
SWATSexy without Actually Trying (clothing line; Swathearts)
SWATSoldiers with Apostolic Truth
SWATSpecial Winning Attitude Team
SWATSubmillimeter Wave Advanced Technology
SWATStrategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show)
SWATSeattle Washington Autoduel Team
SWATStudents with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
SWATSisters With A Throttle (motorcycle club)
SWATSkilled With Advanced Tools (software development)
SWATSouth West Alief Texas
SWATServants with A Testimony
SWATScientific Wild Ass Guess
SWATSwift Action Team
SWATSpecialists With Advanced Tools
SWATSell What's Available Today
SWATStudents Winning Against Tobacco (Texas)
SWATSolutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco)
SWATSoul Winning Attack Team (Fayetteville, GA)
SWATSoftware Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance)
SWATSatellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems)
SWATShort Wavelength Adaptive Technology
SWATSurface Water Ambient Toxics Monitoring Program (Maine)
SWATSick Wild and Twisted (band)
SWATSecure Wire Access Terminal
SWATSpiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry)
SWATSkilled Workers with Advanced Tools
SWATSouthWest Airedale Terriers
SWATsurface water assessment team
SWATSystem Wide Analysis Team
SWATSouthwest Aquatics of Texas
SWATSatellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool
SWATSubsea Well Abandonment Tool
SWATStrengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment)
SWATStaff Without Adequate Training
SWATSquad Weapons Analytical Trainer
SWATSolid Waste Assessment Team
SWATSeeds, Weeds, And Trash
SWATSouthwest Association of Trackers
SWATShip What's Available Today
SWATSanibel Water Attack Team (swimming)
SWATService Weapons Acceptability Test
SWATSticks With Ass-kicking Tactics
SWATSoftware Wireless Access Tandem
SWATSurface Weapons Against Torpedoes
SWATServer, Workstation And Technology Group
SWATSoul Winning Across Town
SWATSwitch Assembly Test
SWATStrengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment)
SWATScout Water Activity Team
SWATSouthwest Area Vocational-Technical (school)
SWATSoftball with an Attitude (softball team; Philadelphia, PA)
SWATSpecial Warfare Assault Team (Call of Duty gaming clan)
SWATSeeking Wisdom and Truth (Christianity)
SWATSaints With A Testimony (LDS church)