Acronym | Definition |
TG | The Great (band) |
TG | The Game (online game) |
TG | Top Gear (British car show) |
TG | Glass Transition Temperature |
TG | Togo (top level domain) |
TG | Transgender |
TG | Task Group |
TG | The Gathering |
TG | The Garden (Guns N' Roses song) |
TG | Top Gun (movie) |
TG | Transgendered |
TG | Thank God |
TG | That's Good |
TG | That Guy |
TG | Thanksgiving |
TG | Thai Airways International |
TG | Thurgau (Thurgovie; Swiss Canton) |
TG | The Gap |
TG | Transgenic |
TG | ThinkGeek (website) |
TG | Triglyceride |
TG | Top Girls (play by Caryl Churchill) |
TG | Texas Guaranteed (education) |
TG | Technical Guide |
TG | 6-Thioguanine (chemotherapy drug) |
TG | Too Good |
TG | Thyroglobulin |
TG | That's Great |
TG | Thai Airways International (IATA Airport Code) |
TG | TurboGrafx |
TG | Tagesgeld (German) |
TG | The Gamers |
TG | Third Grade |
TG | Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
TG | Total Girl (magazine) |
TG | Throbbing Gristle (1970s band) |
TG | Target Group |
TG | Trigun (TV show) |
TG | Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) |
TG | Thermogravimetry (mass change study) |
TG | Terry Gilliam (director) |
TG | Twynstra Gudde (consulting firm; Netherlands) |
TG | Tiefgarage (German: underground parking) |
TG | Touch-and-Go |
TG | Traditional Grammar |
TG | Temperature Gradient |
TG | Topical Guide |
TG | Turbine Generator |
TG | Talkgroup |
TG | Technical Group |
TG | Tail Gunner |
TG | Teragram (metric unit of mass) |
TG | Total Guitar (magazine) |
TG | Trunk Group |
TG | Tactical Gamer (online community) |
TG | Ta Gueule (French: Shut Up) |
TG | TonenGeneral (oil company; Japan) |
TG | True Good (gaming) |
TG | Titan's Grip (World of Warcraft) |
TG | Trésorerie Générale (French: General Treasury) |
TG | Transmission Group |
TG | Transformational Grammar |
TG | Timing Generator |
TG | Transfer Guide (Maricopa County, AZ community college system) |
TG | Transformational-Generative (grammar) |
TG | Trinidad Guardian (Newspaper) |
TG | (German software development company) |
TG | Togdheer (postal region, Somalia) |
TG | Taux de Gravité (French: Severity Rate) |
TG | Tail Gating |
TG | Trunking Gateway |
TG | Thompson Gun |
TG | Troop Guide (Boy Scouts of America) |
TG | Totino-Grace (Minnesota High School) |
TG | Toy Guy |
TG | Task Graph |
TG | Twin Groves (Illinois, USA) |
TG | Transactions on Graphics |
TG | True Gravity |
TG | Tail Grab (skiing and snowboarding) |
TG | Triple Glazing (windows) |
TG | Transmitter Group |
TG | Trinity Grammar (school) |
TG | Transaction Group |
TG | Tote Gote (mini bike) |
TG | Tanner Graph |
TG | Tigre Géant (Canadian retailer) |
TG | Tangent Galvanometer (physics) |
TG | Total Gradient (gravity and magnetic) |
TG | Tracking Gain |
TG | Track Gate |
TG | Traffic Gateway |
TG | Thermite Grenade |
TG | Tactical Guard |
TG | Transformation Gateway (Net6) |
TG | Top of Grate (surveying) |
TG | Texas Gunmen (gaming group) |
TG | Thomas Group Ltd (Orange, CA) |