Acronym | Definition |
USMT | User State Migration Tool (Microsoft Windows XP) |
USMT | User State Migration Tool |
USMT | United States Military Telegraph (US Civil War era) |
USMT | United States Machine Tools Corp. |
USMT | Undergraduate Space and Missile Training (USAF) |
USMT | United States Military Tribunal (WWII era court) |
USMT | United States Music Tradeshow |
USMT | Utah Society for Medical Technology |
USMT | United States Message Text |
USMT | Uniformed Services Meal Ticket (DD Form 652) |
USMT | United States Monitoring Team |
USMT | Unified Sports Management Team |
USMT | Union Sportive du Métro et des Transports (French: Subway and Transportation Sports Union; est. 1928) |