SRGSuriname Guilder (ISO currency code)
SRGSecurity Requirements Guide
SRGSupplément de Revenu Garanti (French: Guaranteed Income Supplement; Canada)
SRGSmart Render Graphic
SRGServer Resource Guide
SRGSpatial Relation Graph
SRGStandardized Raster Graphic
SRGSurface Relief Grating
SRGSystems Research Group (various locations)
SRGSafety Regulation Group (Civil Aviation Authority; UK)
SRGSchweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft (Swiss Radio and Television Broadcasting Corporation)
SRGSmall Research Grant
SRGSenior Resource Group
SRGStandards Release Guide
SRGStudent Research Grant (various schools)
SRGSpencer Reed Group (various locations)
SRGSingapore Robotic Games
SRGSeabee Readiness Group
SRGSustainable Growth Rate
SRGSenior Review Group (various organizations)
SRGSignal Reference Grid
SRGSemantic Research Grid (project)
SRGSociety of Resource Geology (est. 1952; Japan)
SRGSmoker, Roaster & Grill (Big Easy)
SRGSurgiCare, Inc. (stock symbol)
SRGSpectrum-X-Gamma (high-energy astrophysics observatory)
SRGShift Register Generator
SRGSouthern Regional Gathering
SRGSoftware Reliability Growth
SRGShort-Range Aircraft (US DoD)
SRGScott Radiological Group (St. Louis, MO)
SRGSemarang, Indonesia - Achmad Yani (airport code)
SRGSafety Resource Group
SRGSilicone Ring Gastroplasty (obesity treatment)
SRGStrategic Resource Group, Inc.
SRGSouthern Railways Group (UK)
SRGSchapiro Research Group
SRGStudent Reference Guide
SRGSenior/System Review Group
SRGSouthern Rubber Group
SRGStandard Raster Graphics
SRGSri Ram Group
SRGSunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge (New Hampshire area)
SRGSquare Radius Graphics (graphic design firm)
SRGSécurité Recouvrements Garantis (France: Recoveries Security Guaranteed)