STARSSurveillance Target Attack Radar System
STARSStreamlined Technology Acquisition Resources for Services (federal contracts)
STARSStudent Technician and Resource Specialist
STARSSoftware Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems
STARSSoftware Technology for Adaptable & Reliable Systems
STARSStandard Terminal Automation Replacement System
STARSSpecial Tactics and Rescue Service (Resident Evil game)
STARSShock Trauma Air Rescue Society
STARSStandard Terminal Arrival Routes (US FAA)
STARSSpecial Tactics and Rescue Squad
STARSSTock Appreciation Ranking System (Standard & Poor's)
STARSStandard Accounting and Reporting System
STARSStatewide Accounting and Reporting System
STARSStudents Today Aren't Ready for Sex (abstinence based educational program in Oregon)
STARSSequential T-Test Analysis of Regime Shifts
STARSState Training and Registry System
STARSStudents and Teachers As Research Scientists
STARSSaginaw Transit Authority Regional Services
STARSSouth Texas Academic Rising Scholars
STARSSpatial Technology And Remote Sensing
STARSSecurity Tracking and Authorization Request System (US DoD)
STARSSpace-Based Telemetry and Range Safety (NASA)
STARSSpecialized Treatment and Recovery Services
STARSStudents Teaching and Reaching Students
STARSSpill Technology and Remediation Series (NYS DEC petroleum-contaminated soil guidance policy)
STARSService Technology Alliance Resources (government contract)
STARSShort Track Auto Racing Stars
STARSStrategic Targeted Activities for Results System
STARSSPEC Taxpayer Assistance Reporting System (US IRS)
STARSSurface To Air Recovery System
STARSSound Trail and Rail Society, Inc.
STARSStudents Teaching and Advocating Respect
STARSSpacelift Telemetry Acquisition and Reporting System (aerospace)
STARSStudents Taking Action and Responsibility for Success
STARSStudents and Technology in Academia, Research and Service Alliance (US NSF)
STARSStudents That Are Really Special
STARSSTART Tracking And Reporting System
STARSSouth Trenton Area Residents' Society (Trenton, NJ)
STARSSpace Transportation Accounting and Resources System (KSC)
STARSStatus Tracking and Reporting System (Army ECPS)
STARSShared Transformation Acquisition Regulation System
STARSState Technology Assistance Resource System
STARSStudent Tools and Resource Skills
STARSSatellite Tracking and Ranging Station
STARSStriving Through Adventure to Develop Responsibility and Success (Eric Walters book)
STARSSuperfund Transactions Automated Retrieval System
STARSSolar Thermal Aerostat Research Station
STARSStandalone TRACON Automation Replacement System
STARSService Ticket Action Resolution System (US HUD)
STARSSurveillance, Target Acquisition & Reporting System
STARSScientific Task Force of Americans Residing in Space
STARSStudents Tapping Academic Resources for Success
STARSSonicMQ Tracking and Registration System (SonicMQ E-Business Messaging)
STARSShipboard Test and Repair System
STARSSmall Tethered Aerostat Relocatable Systems
STARSSuccess Through Academic and Recreation Support
STARSSite Training Activity Records System
STARSSampled Traffic Analysis and Reporting System (Bellcore)
STARSState Transaction Accounting and Reporting System
STARSStandardized/Standard Accounting & Reporting System
STARSSecret Transformer Autobot Rescue Squad (transformer toys)
STARSStandard TRADOC Automated Retrieval System
STARSShipment Track And Redistribution System
STARSShipboard Tethered Aerostat Radar System
STARSStandard Time & Attendance Reporting System
STARSSports Training and Recreational Services (Avon Park, FL)
STARSSubmarine Towed Array System
STARSSensor Test and Replay System (Flight Data System Pty, Ltd, Australia)