Acronym | Definition |
TIDA | Trucking Industry Defense Association |
TIDA | Treasure Island Development Authority (California) |
TIDA | Tuberoinfundibular Dopaminergic |
TIDA | Toronto Internet Developers Association (Canada) |
TIDA | Trucking Insurance Defense Association |
TIDA | Texas International Drivers Association |
TIDA | Transportation Industry Defense Association |
TIDA | Tree Identification and Delineation Algorithm |
TIDA | Technical Information Disclosure Agreement |
TIDA | Travel and Industrial Development Association (UK) |
TIDA | Tourism Innovation Development Award (Scotland) |
TIDA | Targeted Investment in Disadvantaged Areas |
TIDA | The International Dyslexia Association |
TIDA | Temporary Interdepartmental Assignment |
TIDA | Titusville Industrial Development Authority (Pennsylvania) |
TIDA | Troy Industrial Development Authority |
TIDA | Texas Independent Drivers Association |
TIDA | Trincomalee Islamic Development Association (Sri Lanka) |