Acronym | Definition |
TIDE | Typography Integrated Development Environment |
TIDE | Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment (NASA) |
TIDE | Tele-Immersive Data Explorer |
TIDE | Torah Im Derech Eretz |
TIDE | Technology Insertion Demonstration and Evaluation Program (SEI/Carnegie Mellon) |
TIDE | Transportation Information for Decision Enhancement |
TIDE | Trans-Pacific Interactive Distance Education Project |
TIDE | Team Integrated Design Environment (Aptima Inc.) |
TIDE | Tactical International Data Exchange |
TIDE | Technology Innovation Design Engineering |
TIDE | Theater Information Dissemination Environment (US Army South, Fort Sam Houston, TX) |
TIDE | Technological Initiative for the Socioeconomic Integration of the Disabled and Elderly (EU) |
TIDE | Traffic Information Distributor and Editor |
TIDE | Terrorist Identity Environment |
TIDE | Terrorist Identities Data Mart Environment |