TIFTagged Image File (file name extension)
TIFTax Increment Financing
TIFTokyo Idol Festival (Tokyo, Japan)
TIFTemporary Internet Files
TIFTeacher Incentive Fund
TIFTransport Innovation Fund (UK)
TIFTagged Image Format
TIFTemporary Initialization File
TIFText Interchange Format
TIFThis Is Football (video game series; Sony Computer Entertainment)
TIFThessaloniki International Fair (Greece)
TIFTokyo International Forum (Japan)
TIFToy Industry Foundation (New York, NY)
TIFTransoral Incisionless Fundoplication (surgical procedure)
TIFTelecommunications Infrastructure Fund (Texas)
TIFThalassaemia International Federation (Cyprus; est. 1986)
TIFTreaties in Force (of the United States)
TIFTheater Internment Facility
TIFTaxpayer Information File
TIFTime in Force (stock trading)
TIFTranscriptional Intermediary Factor
TIFTelecommunications and Internet Federation (Ireland)
TIFTrial Introductory Flight (flight school)
TIFthat is funny
TIFThe Infrastructure Forum (UK IT special interest group)
TIFTripoli International Fair (Libya)
TIFTechnology Involved Female
TIFTransport Information Filter
TIFThee Instagon Foundation (Sacramento, CA; est. 1993)
TIFTest & Integration Facility
TIFTrue Involute Form (Diameter)
TIFTape Inventory File
TIFTransport International par Chemin de Fer (French: International Transit by Rail)
TIFTourism Improvement Fee (Banff, Canada)
TIFTerminal Indicate Floor-Request
TIFTime in Function (stock trading)
TIFTechnology and Interoperability Facility
TIFTechnician Induced Failure
TIFTechnical Interface Unit
TIFTest Incident Forms
TIFTechnical Information File/Field
TIFTechnology Integration Facility
TIFTaif Regional Airport, Saudi Arabia (IATA Code)
TIFTactics Improvement Proposa